Special Promotions

Natural Digestive Healing Interrogates Us

Have you ever wanted to get all up in the face of an author? Try and figure out what their motivation was behind their work? I have – so I know some of you must wonder about us…Well our friend Matt actually requested it, so we felt obliged to comply. In fact the interview ended up being a ton of fun mostly because we talked about our favorite topics: food, poop and our stories. 🙂

Could One SCD Study Change Primary Care Textbooks?

Everyday as we rise from bed we are presented several opportunities to enhance our lives and enrich the lives of others around us. Rush University Medical Center in Chicago has decided to do just this. They’ve secured the funding to do a one-of-kind expensive, in-depth study whose benefit is unknown.
No pharmaceutical or political parties win if they prove it. They are expressing their power of ONE. Now I want to ask you to do the same. One study might lead to One more, which might lead to One Hundred more, which might lead to a whole new IBD treatment program.

Only 1 Day Left to Help Get SCD in the Movies

Last week we interviewed Reid Kimball in a podcast about his latest project, Wanted: Crohn’s End. He’s putting together one of the first concrete documentaries about digestive disease and alternative methods of healing that are out there. Most importantly, he’s using SCD as one of those methods. This documentary is going to help advance the digestive disease community as a whole and raise awareness about some of things people are already doing to get better. We love his project because he’s capturing the trails blazed by those of us that are getting better, and plowing a wider path for others to follow… it’s going to help a lot of people!

New SCD Lifestyle Book Edition Unveiled – Plus Sweet New Bonuses

We are extremely pleased to announce that our completely updated ebook is now ready for sale. We’ve spent several months rewriting the whole book and seeking the advice of the best in the brightest in the SCD community to help us deliver the best product we can to help people be successful on this diet.

We Need Your Help with SCD Legal Supplements

Hey everyone, thank you for being such loyal readers. We have a favor to ask of you, we need your help with SCD legal supplements. We talk and work with people from all around the world which really is quite an amazing thing. It is really awesome to think that we can help improve someone’s life, who’ve we never met, thousands of miles away. Needless to say we think the internet is pretty cool.

The Missing Piece of the Celiac Disease Puzzle

I found the missing piece of the celiac disease puzzle and took control of my health. If you learn what I share with you about the SCD Diet and start it properly, you can put a stop to your debilitating diarrhea and regain the energy to pop out of bed every morning in just 30 days. If you don’t implement the 4 steps that I outline below, you’re going to keep chasing the elusive gluten contamination that’s ruining your life and continue to be trapped by the confines of this disease.

SCD Dieters Unite Together: A New Senate Bill Seeks to Ban Access to Dietary Supplements!

We stumbled on this article over at comfy tummy and were shocked. A new senate bill is being proposed that seeks to increase the costs of dietary supplements and restrict access to them. The bill also would grant the FDA authority over what supplements we are “allowed” to have!