Only 1 Day Left to Help Get SCD in the Movies

Last week we interviewed Reid Kimball in a podcast about his latest project, Wanted: Crohn’s End.  He’s putting together one of the first concrete documentaries about digestive disease and alternative methods of healing that are out there.  Most importantly, he’s using SCD as one of those methods.  This documentary is going to help advance the digestive disease community as a whole and raise awareness about some of things people are already doing to get better.  We love his project because he’s capturing the trails blazed by those of us that are getting better, and plowing a wider path for others to follow… it’s going to help a lot of people!

Here’s some of his goals with the film:

– Document stories of triumph over the disease.
– Create more awareness for safer, cheaper, more effective alternative treatments.
– Change how Crohn’s and Colitis are treated by conventional healthcare so we have more cases of triumph than suffering.
– Spark a national movement emphasizing patient’s right to be made aware of and to choose from all available treatments.

Here’s a video trailer to learn more about the film and his mission:

So here’s the deal:

He has a “kickstarter” project started to help fund his documentary, which is deep in the filming process.  Here’s how a “kickstarter” project works:

1) He sets a drop dead funding date and a funding amount

2) People pledge whatever they can afford to help the project

3) If he reaches his funding amount by the drop dead date the project gets funded, if not, he doesn’t get a dime and all the pledges are returned to the people!

His funding goal is $10,550.

The drop dead date for his project is Wednesday Dec 8, 3:00am EST.

And as of this moment, his pledges are up to $8,451…

That Means…

We have less than 48 hours left to help him get $2,100 more in pledges or the film will get $0 funding!

Check out his kickstarter page here:

If you want to learn more about his documentary check out the main page here:

Depending on how much you can afford, he has some really cool bonuses built in for people that donate, like:

Pledge $1 or more – LEVEL 1 – “CREDITED”: Receive access to private updates from the director here on, credit in the film under the heading “Crohn’s End Kickers” and credit on our website at

Pledge $10 or more – LEVEL 2 – “DIGITAL”: You get private updates, your name in the credits and access to download a digital copy of the film when released.

Pledge $30 or more – LEVEL 3 – “DVD”: You get private updates, your name in the credits, a digital copy to download and a physical copy of the DVD when released. The DVD will have an English subtitle track for the hard of hearing and deaf.

Pledge $45 or more – LEVEL 4 – “CUSTOM TOILET PAPER”: Get private updates, your name in the credits, a digital copy to download, a physical copy of the DVD when released and four custom printed rolls of toilet paper. You can use them as a joke, a souvenir, or for guerrilla marketing and leave one in a public restroom. The DVD will have an English subtitle track for the hard of hearing and deaf.

Pledge $60 or more – LEVEL 5 – “BONUS FEATURES”: You get private updates, your name in the credits, a digital copy to download, a physical copy of the DVD and a Bonus Features disc that has commentary by the director, outtakes and additional interviews. This will also have an English subtitle track for the hard of hearing and deaf.

Pledge $250 or more – LEVEL 6 – “ONLINE VIDEO INTERVIEW”: You get private updates, your name in the credits, a digital copy to download, a physical copy of the DVD, a Bonus Features disc and you will be interviewed via online video chat. The interview will be recorded and included in the Bonus Features disc. The interview can be about your Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis, maybe you are a patient or doctor, but if you are not, we are happy to interview you about any topic you like.

Pledge $700 or more – LEVEL 7 WEST COAST – “A DAY OF PARKOUR”: You get your name in the credits, a digital copy to download, a physical copy of the DVD, a Bonus Features disc and indoor beginner Parkour training with the director of the film and professional Parkour athlete who has overcome Crohn’s disease, Adam Dunlap. All expenses paid. WHERE: It will be held at Revolution Parkour in Beaverton, OR. WHEN: Slated for Spring of 2011 but will coordinate with all involved so we can make this a group event. NOTE: Please only choose this reward if you are located on the western side of North America as it will keep flight costs down for the producers.

Pledge $1,000 or more – LEVEL 8 – “YOUR STORY”: You get private updates, your name in the credits, a digital copy to download, a physical copy of the DVD, a Bonus Features disc and the director of the film will fly to you (anywhere in the US, Canada and Mexico) and you will be interviewed on camera. It will be recorded and included in the Bonus Features Disc. The interview can be about your Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis, maybe you are a patient or doctor, but if you are not, we are happy to interview you about any topic you like.

We have made our pledge, can you afford to help out in any way?  If not financially, can you help support this project with any of your skills?  If so just let us know and we will connect you with Reid.  This is big for all of us… think about what you might be able to do to help it keep moving forward.

Here’s the link again, do what you can:

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