BD’s Mongolian Grill is Specific Carbohydrate Diet Friendly!

I just wanted to put up a quick post about a very successful dining experience I had.

Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to eat out at restaurants. Unfortunately, it has only happened 5 times.

Yeah I know… you were probably expecting a bigger number but the problem is I just can’t find restaurants that pass my due diligence tests. I will put up a post in a few days that explains my due diligence guide to eating out on the SCD diet.

But if you are looking for a night out this weekend I want to highlight a restaurant that could be near you and SCD friendly.

BD’s Mongolian Grill is a franchise restaurant chain that started in 1992. They currently have 37 open restaurants – mostly concentrated in the Midwest. They bill themselves as the #1 create your own stir-fry restaurant and list fun, choice and control as core values they built their foundation on.

The eating experience is very enjoyable. To give you an idea of the restaurant, it is sort of like a self-serve Subway but for stir-fry. They have buffet tables that include any kind of meat, vegetable, fruit and spices you could ever want. As a diner, you go through the lines of fresh ingredients and pack a bowl full of goodness that you later take to a giant grill to be cooked.

Of course, if you are following the SCD diet you need to call ahead and verify that they can accommodate your food allergies but I found the manager of the Okemos location to be very knowledgeable and accommodating.

I asked him every question in the book and found out that the only ingredients that come out of a can are the water chestnuts, pineapple, and mandarin oranges. Everything else is fresh or frozen with no additives to the meat, vegetables or fruit. Now, unfortunately, you won’t be able to try any of their special sauces. But you can have free rein on the spices (I would still avoid the garlic, onion and any combo spices such as chili powder to be safe).

When I was seated, I mentioned to my waitress that I have very bad food allergies and that I would like my stir-fry bowl to be cooked with olive oil in a separate wok in the back and it was no problem (per manager instructions). I was able to participate just like everyone else going through the food lines and then just met up with her afterward where she took my bowl back to be separately cooked. The taste and variety of your meal is basically only limited to your imagination and where you are on your healing path.

My stir-fry was cooked to perfection and tasted amazing. I made all the choices that went into it and they even showed me the olive oil to make sure I was okay with it! This has been the only time at a restaurant that I’ve felt almost zero anxiety about my food, it was very nice to say the least.

Anyways, give them a try if one is located near you and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. If you know of any other restaurant chains that are SCD friendly, I would love to hear about it. Let me know in the comments section below.

– Steve

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