Learn How to Cook SCD Gourmet with the New Surf and Turf Cooking Class!

If you haven’t heard, you have to check out this new Online Cooking Class I’m taking.  Watch the video below to see what you’ll learn if you sign up.

I don’t know about you but I always seem to have a hard time learning to cook from just a static cook book.  Trust me I own almost every SCD Legal cookbook plus several others.  The problem is they give me plenty of complex baking recipes but none of them show me how to cook the meat!  That’s why I can’t wait to start this new cooking class.  Meat is a staple in every meal I make and honestly I’ve found it is much more enjoyable to cook a meat, vegetable and fruit in separate dishes rather than always together.

Still not sold?  Yeah I wasn’t either until I watched her sneak peak video, this is actual part of one of the classes that you will be getting when you sign up for the class.  Check it out below.

I’m can’t wait to learn how to cook grass-fed meat, sustainable seafood and all types of organ meats!  Everything that my digestive system needs more of!  I would love for you to join me in the class but you have to HURRY UP registration ends August 14th.  Click here to learn more and sign up for this awesome class!

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