Special Promotions

New Live Presentation: “The Gut-Hormone Connection”

If you want to skip ahead, we did an info-packed presentation on the gut-hormone connection and why hormones are THE MOST critical step toward healing your gut. Check it out here. The first time around, we gave this gut-hormone presentation to small group of people and got such incredible feedback we decided to give the same…

Special Presentation: “The Gut-Brain-Hormone Axis: Unlocking Stomach Problems”

If you want to skip ahead, we gave a presentation on new strategies to unravel your stomach problems. Did you know that over 55 million Americans deal with debilitating stomach problems every year? Things like: cramping constipation diarrhea bloating gas …with very little relief available to them from traditional medicine? If you’ve been in and…

Why Paleo FX Rekindled My Commitment to Health

I used to have a million reasons why I shouldn’t attend a health conference like Paleo FX. I’m going to try and articulate what Paleo FX 2013 did for me that trumps every money, time and sad story I could tell myself about not going (which I did for several years).

Conferences like this pour gasoline on the “commitment fire” burning deep inside the attendees, and it’s the one thing above all else that seems to last when I get home.

Special 50% Off Thank You Facebook Party!!!

We’re celebrating our Facebook Community… Which just passed 20,000 fans! Wow, simply Awesome! NEVER before released offer… hurry before our staff freaks out! Until midnight on March 25, 2013, you can get our entire Diet, Lifestyle, and Supplement Troubleshooting system HALF OFF. Here’s where you can grab your copy for half off- We’re holding this…

Are You Wasting Money on the Wrong Medical Tests?

Recently, we’ve been getting a lot of questions from people about medical testing, like this one from our friend Richard: “In your facebook post, you mention getting specific test(s). Where can I get info on all the tests you recommend and what to do after receiving the results? thx” – Richard If you’re feeling stuck and can’t…