Hey, Can I Call You?

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Back in 2009, we had a dream of helping people start the SCD Diet.  Then SCD Lifestyle was born and every few days we’d get an email from a new reader, which was incredible!

Since then, over 20,000 people have used our free quick start guide.  The health transformations we’ve witnessed over the last few years have been incredible (read some Healthy Gut success stories).

As I look back over the last 3.5 years, the highlight for me has been spending time doing 1-on-1 consults with awesome people ready to change their lives.  It was always on down-low but when people would email us asking for more help we’d consult with them over the phone.

It’s been amazing working together with people like that, and here’s what we’re thinking…

We decided to make 5-10 hours a week available to the public.  You can now book a 1-hour case review with us and we’ll take a look at everything you’ve been doing.

You mean a lot to us and we’re excited to make these hours available to you whenever you need it.

This will be for some of you and not for others, and we totally get that.  We’re so grateful for each and every one of our readers.

If you ever wanted to spend some 1-on-1 time with us, we’re here for you.  Since we enrolled in the Functional Medicine Mentorship with Dr. Kalish, we’ve been thinking about making this available to everyone who needs it…

This is for people still struggling with multiple food allergies, food sensitivities, fatigue, trouble gaining or losing weight, constipation or diarrhea, brain fog, trouble getting out of bed in the morning, PMS, join pain, Celiac disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, IBS, or other digestive problems.

And we’re excited about the potential of what we can do together!

–> Book a consultation here

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – Here’s what a few of our private clients had to say after working together:

“One of the most significant parts of coaching for me was feeling confident in taking risks.  Adjusting supplement levels and trying new foods was something that could send me to a world of discomfort and confusion to the point where I was afraid to trying anything new.  With the coaching it was totally different because I knew that I’d have someone to talk to about things that came up.  I also know that if I hit a rough patch I always have a place to turn for help.  That in itself is a relief!” – Lisa V.

“Finally, someone that I could vent my frustrations (instead of my wife that was understandably getting pretty sick of hearing it at this point) and keep me on track with my digestive recovery.  After 5 months of guidance and coaching, I can honestly say at 43 that I feel the best I have since my 30’s.  My energy level and stamina are significantly improved; my thinking and focus are much clearer; and love and passion has returned to my marriage.” – Jim

“I am feeling so great!  And I could not have done this without you and that’s a fact.  I’m usually skeptical too but I’m glad for whatever reason I put my faith in you when I joined the coaching program.” – Nia N.

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