Wishing You… Plus, the Best of 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Whew, what a year! How can it get any better than this? 2012 has been a fabulous year and we’re so grateful you’ve been a part of it. This was a major year of growth for our community. We just reached over 14,000 wonderful fans on Facebook, our email subscribers exceeded 15,000, and over 60,000 friends visit us from all over the world each month on the website!

How amazing is that? Helping so many people is a dream come true for us. 

On top of all that, we got out from behind our computers to attend the Ancestral Health Symposium and the Weston A Price conference. We met tons of readers and made new friends, while deeply touched by those of you who shared your personal stories with us.

Thank You.

And to everyone else who comments and connects with us all over the web… Thank You. The interactions we share are amazing. We really appreciate those who tell the good, bad, and ugly, while taking control of their health.

We can’t wait for 2013 and it’s an honor to serve you. But before the New Year, let’s revisit some of the highlights from 2012.

Here’s the 10 Most Popular Posts of 2012…

1. The Toxic Truth About Gluten Free Food and Celiac Disease

Find out why the “Healthy” gluten-free foods are toxic, contributing to inflammation and leaky gut in Celiac Disease. Also, learn what to eat instead.

2. Hypochlorhydria: 3 Common Signs of Low Stomach Acid

Hypochlorhydria, or low stomach acid, is a commonly overlooked problem that is linked to diseases like stomach cancer, asthma & rheumatoid arthritis.

3. 3 Tests for Low Stomach Acid

Did you know stomach acid is actually good for you? Dr. Jonathan Wright wrote a whole book on the topic because he felt it was so important for overall health.

4. The Gluten-Free Lie: Why Most Celiacs Are Slowly Dying

The latest research shows the gluten-free diet isn’t working as the conventional Celiac disease prescription and most Celiacs are slowly dying.

5. How to Supplement with Betaine HCL for Low Stomach Acid

One of the most common methods of supplementing for low stomach acid is using Betaine Hydrochloride (HCL).

6. How to Make Nourishing Beef Bone Broth to Heal Your Gut

Learn how to make nourishing beef bone broth to heal your gut and repair leaky gut syndrome.

7. The Gut Health Recovery Quiz

Have you heard that everyone heals at a different speed? Well, with this quiz, you can speed everything up and make sure you’re making the right moves.

8. 5 Die Off Myths Everyone Needs to Know About

I want to set the record straight with 5 very common comments we get that are not die-off. Here are 5 die-off myths everyone needs to know about.

9. The Celiac Disease Epidemic: Why Gluten Free Isn’t Enough

Celiac disease is a growing epidemic. Find out why the latest research shows a strict gluten-free diet isn’t enough to recover from the disease.

10. Is Celiac Disease Reversible?

Find out what the latest research says about reversing Celiac disease and where the gluten-free diet fits in…

Wishing you wonderful holidays and thanking you again for making this site such a positive and transformational place for people to come and get help!

– Steve

P.S. – Tell us about your 2012 experience in the comments below… we’d love to hear how your life has changed in the last year 🙂

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