Orgasm: The Original Anti-Inflammatory


It’s cheap, anti-inflammatory and feels amazing, so why aren’t we talking more about sex and orgasms as an additional natural part of our recovery?

Society? Religion?

Maybe… but I think for me, back when my belly hurt or I spent my afternoon on the toilet, I wasn’t feeling all that sexy. And sex wasn’t the first thing that came to mind for me during those moments when I was sick.

If you’re feeling anything like I did 4 years ago, then I’ve got something really cool (and sexy) to share with you today.

Our friend Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness is hosting a free, 7-day event called, “The Sexy Back Summit.”

Click here to register (it’s free)

This is important to me because an orgasm is one of the best things you can do when you feel bad and there’s TONS of science to back me up on this…

In Mere Moments, All Your Pain Can Fade Away

An orgasm releases a flood of chemicals that wash over both your brain and your body. One of those chemicals is oxytocin, which almost instantly lowers pain by up to 40%. It also begins to make you feel more comfortable, cuddly and warm.

Not only that but an orgasm…

  • Increases Estrogen in women (1)
  • Lowers cortisol (which is typically chronically high)
  • Increases testosterone in women (2)
  • May increase bone density (3)
  • Improves mood through release of endorphins
  • Regulate sleep patterns (4)

In fact, if you want optimal hormone status and brain health, orgasms should be at the top of your list of activities.

That’s Why Sean Croxton is Bringing Sexy Back!

Get the latest in holistic sexual health for FREE:

>>Register for the Sexy Back summit<<

Sean brought together a wealth of health experts who make it their life’s mission to help people with sex, orgasm, sexuality, and fertility.


For Free, each day from May 19th – May 25th, you’ll hear speakers talking about:

  1. How to restore your sexuality naturally
  2. Natural birth control alternatives
  3. The 2 tiny glands that can ruin your sex life
  4. What foods to eat for peak sexual health
  5. How to create mind-blowing orgasms

And today, you can get a free video on “The top 5 tips to supercharge your sex drive!” (there’s one for Men and one for Women)

=> Go watch your free video now

Jordan and I will be watching, taking notes and buying the content. I hope you join us in this unique opportunity to learn and capitalize on one of nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory supplements

– Steve

**These links are our affiliate links for the Sexy Back Summit, meaning that if you decide to buy the summit take home package after it’s over, we’ll receive commissions. If you want to support us feel free to purchase the take home package with it. We appreciate you, our community, and all you do for us!**

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