SCD Recipes

SCD Legal recipes for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet Ceviche Recipe

I’ve noticed that since starting the specific carbohydrate diet I will sometimes fall into routines of eating the same couple meals over and over because I know it makes me feel so good. While I don’t think this is necessarily a bad habit what I’ve also noticed is when I’m in this mode for longer than a week my mind will start to wander. Even though I’m feeling great and eating good foods suddenly random cravings for illegal foods start jumping out of nowhere. Because of this I usually try and cook up at least one new recipe a week to improve my cooking skills and explore new food frontiers.

SCD Legal Orange Chicken on a Hot Summer Night!

After my post last week, Steve had the idea to mess around with some citrus fruits on chicken to see how it would taste. So last weekend I picked up some Otto’s chicken thighs and a couple organic oranges and gave it a shot. All in all it turned out pretty well. The orange flavor is much more subtle in the chicken than the lemon, but it has a sweeter taste to it, giving the chicken a nice moist citrus kick that made it a good hot summer night treat. Here’s how I made it:

How to Make SCD Legal Lemon Chicken That Will Knock Your Socks off!

I like to head down to the city market on Saturday’s because there’s a vender there called Otto’s Chicken that has the most reasonably priced non-hormone, non-antibiotic, free range chicken that I have been able to find to date. I will usually pick up some breasts or thighs for during the week, but I always grab a fresh 5 lb whole chicken for an amazing weekend feast. Don’t forget to grab some fresh organic lemons while your out! Here’s what I do…