How to Make SCD Legal Lemon Chicken That Will Knock Your Socks off!

I wanted to share some amazing SCD Legal Lemon Chicken that my wife and I have been making that will knock your socks off.

Lemon Chicken:

I like to head down to the city market on Saturdays because there’s a vendor there called Otto’s Chicken that has the most reasonably priced non-hormone, non-antibiotic, free-range chicken that I have been able to find to date. I will usually pick up some breasts or thighs for during the week, but I always grab a fresh 5 lb whole chicken for an amazing weekend feast. Don’t forget to grab some fresh organic lemons while your out! Here’s what I do…

Soaked in lemon and Ready for the Oven!

1st: Wash the chicken and take out the gizzard, then place it in a pan (I like to use glass pans).

2nd: Cut a couple lemons in half, turn them upside down in your palm, and squeeze out all the juice all over the chicken. The secret is to take the leftover lemon halves and stuff them inside the chicken for baking.  Then take a third lemon and slice up a few sections and put them on top of the chicken (see the first pic).

3rd: I usually add a little olive oil to the bird, then sprinkle on thyme, sage, cayenne, and black pepper.

4th: Add about 1 cup of water to the pan to keep the moisture level high during baking.

5th: Throw it in the oven at 400ºF for 1.5 hours (or until golden brown). Then, check the temperature. Sometimes I end up going 2 hours depending on how big the bird is.

6th: Carefully carve up the bird and enjoy the flavorful skin as a treat. Just throw away the lemon slices and halves that were inside the body cavity. The meat, and especially the breasts, will have an amazing lemon flavor locked into them that will taste incredible!

Now That Looks Amazing!

Random Thoughts:

I am beginning to get disgusted every time I go to the grocery store now. I feel terrible for everyone that I see shopping. I walk around picking up fresh fruits and veggies and filling the cart with fresh organic meats… all the while pushing past unhealthy people that are usually sniffling and coughing, with a cart full of “food” in cardboard boxes, microwavable pouches, and 8 packs of pop lining the rim of the cart. Then, their spouse will usually be behind them with an identical cart full of hot dogs, bags of high fructose corn syrup, bottles of chocolate milk, and some “vitamin fortified” sugar covered cereal. To me it is one of the great tragedies of modern society.

It’s fascinating to me because I spent 1.5 years living on a gluten-free diet feeling sorry for myself and trying to make everything in my GF diet be as “normal” as I could. Of course, I was still sick all the time. Then, I started the SCD diet and felt sorry for myself wishing that I could buy pre-packaged SCD legal food and be “normal.” Somewhere in there I “woke up” and embraced the SCD diet as a gift, and realized it will probably allow me to live a lot longer and feel a lot better than any “normal” diet. And it’s not a diet, it’s a LIFESTYLE CHOICE! I feel more and more privileged to live the SCD Lifestyle and treat my body to the nourishment it deserves, instead of punishing it every day just to get a quick fix and be lazy.

The question is, how do you change the world? How do you get everyone to wake up? Got any ideas to share?

One more thing, I wanted to give a shout out and thank you to Anne-Marie who, after buying a copy of our SCD Lifestyle book, sent us an email to let us know she was enjoying it at 4:30 AM her time all the way in Australia! Thanks for the message Anne-Marie. Congrats on starting your path to healing… good luck!


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