Specific Carbohydrate Diet Ceviche Recipe

I’ve noticed that since starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, I will sometimes fall into routines of eating the same couple meals over and over because I know it makes me feel so good. While I don’t think this is necessarily a bad habit, what I’ve also noticed is when

I’m in this mode for longer than a week my mind will start to wander. Even though I’m feeling great and eating good foods suddenly random cravings for illegal foods start jumping out of nowhere. Because of this, I usually try to cook up at least one new recipe a week to improve my cooking skills and explore new food frontiers.

Last week, I was falling into a rut with my foods so in honor of Ann Marie’s free video from her cooking class Surf and Turf I told you about, I decided to go out on a limb and get a bit crazy in the kitchen. I had read about ceviche recipes before watching her video and always thought it sounded like an amazingly easy and healthy meal but something was holding me back from trying. But after watching Ann Marie, I decided to give it a shot. Without further ado the recipe I devised is below:

SCD Ceviche Recipe

  • 1 ½ Pounds of Sea Scallops
  • 2 Tomatoes (No Tomatoes)
  • 4 Limes
  • 1 Red Onion (¼ cup)
  • 4 Serrano Peppers
  • 3 Sweet Peppers
  • 3 Plums
  • ½ Cup Cilantro (¼ cup or less)
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt

Well, how did it turn out and do I recommend you give it a try?

It wasn’t as good as I’d hoped but yes you should totally try it out. I think I made a big mistake by trying to combine both Ann Marie’s recipe and the New York Times recipe.

Therefore, if you try this recipe I recommend adjusting the amounts to the ones in the parentheses or else prepare for a red onion,

The finished product, looks tasty huh!

cilantro, and tomato square dance on your tongue. The flavors from these ingredients were simply over powering to me and several others who tried it. I think by reducing the amounts of onion and cilantro and cutting out the tomatoes, it will taste much better.

For the record, I will be trying this again and you shouldn’t be intimidated. It was really easy to make, just make sure you don’t follow my recipe exactly.


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