Are You Trapped in the Digestive Disease Epidemic?


Over 64 Million People in the US are affected by digestive disease…

  • 600,000 have Crohn’s disease
  • 1,000,000 have Ulcerative Colitis
  • 3,000,000 have Celiac disease
  • 60 Million have IBS

And untold millions more have undiagnosed digestive problems directly impacting their health and wellness. It’s absolutely frightening that so many of us are dealing with these types of stomach problems, and what’s worse many are hiding them because poop is a taboo topic in today’s world.

Think of all the hours lost to stomach aches, gut-wrenching gas, and annoying trips to the bathroom. I could go on, but I think you understand that our emotions, our relationships, and our productivity are all intimately linked to how well our stomach feels.

If you’re dealing with any of the following symptoms on a regular basis… it’s likely you have a digestive problem:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Acid reflux
  • GERD
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Hemorrhoids

This list of symptoms doesn’t mean you’re broken or sentenced to a life of suffering…

But these symptoms are a sign you’re not pooping healthy and likely another statistic in the digestive disease epidemic.

I’m a Statistic, What Are My Options?

Most Crohn’s and Colitis patients, dealing with bleeding colons and flaring immune systems, get a prescription for toxic drugs like corticosteroids.

Celiac disease patients are ordered to follow a strict, gluten-free diet… which research is beginning to show isn’t enough… and sadly, they’re slowly dying from it.

IBS patients are being prescribed band-aids, like being told to take more fiber, try laxatives, eat less fiber, try enemas, etc.

Thankfully, a growing minority are seeking better health and perfect poops through natural, curative, and non-toxic methods…

Like the Paleo Diet, which has seen skyrocketing interest since 2009:


And the growing list of Paleo success stories is incredible, from reversing heart disease to weight-loss, all the way to overcoming diabetes and autoimmune conditions.

But Sometimes Paleo Isn’t Enough

Sometimes Paleo isn’t enough to eliminate your digestive concerns. It’s really effective for living a healthy life, but in some cases it doesn’t eliminate symptoms as fast as we’d like for people experiencing digestive problems. It doesn’t make Paleo bad; it just makes it more advanced for those of us with stomach problems, so it can become a goal for us to graduate up to a Paleo Diet.

In some cases, jumping head first into Paleo might even make someone with digestive problems sicker. Here’s why:

  1. Eating difficult-to-digest foods triggers symptoms

Switching to a diet with higher amounts of fruits, veggies, and nuts can increase insoluble fiber and irritate the gut, causing people with digestive problems horrendous nightmares.

  1. Safe starches feed bad bugs

Healthy people have a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in their gut… people with digestive problems don’t. Eating “safe starches” like sweet potatoes, plantains, or starchy tubers that are OK on a Paleo diet can cause people with certain digestive problems fits because they feed their already out-of-whack bacteria.

  1. Manmade additives and chemicals can exacerbate symptoms

The Paleo diet is very focused on high-quality real food, but it isn’t as strict about removing man-made additives and chemicals as most digestively damaged people need. These are additives like guar gum, carrageenan, and dyes that can cause more diarrhea, stomach pain and prolong healing.

  1. Not focused on healing first and healthy good bugs

Getting relief from wretched stomach pain takes a focused effort to heal your gut and restore it back to health. A few important steps toward that is eating things like fermented foods and bone broth, which aren’t necessarily a focus of the Paleo diet. All gut healing programs need a focus on adding back beneficial bacteria and healing the gut.

That’s Where a Restorative Diet Like SCD Comes Into Play

SCD and Paleo aren’t much different… in fact, think of Paleo like SCD’s big brother.

SCD comes from a gut-healing perspective, focused on eating foods that are easy to digest, nutrient dense, and anti-inflammatory… then expanding to a more diverse diet like Paleo after you’ve done some healing.

What does all that mean?

The SCD Lifestyle program starts you off with foods that won’t trigger stomach problems and instead help you heal, so you can get relief from the symptoms fast. Then, when you’ve healed over a period of time you can introduce more foods and even graduate to a full Paleo Diet. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet stopped my years of diarrhea in 7 days and completely changed my life.

I wonder what a healthy, happy tummy would do for your life…

If you have digestive problems like we did, it’s important that you realize a calm belly can be a reality for you. You deserve to live a symptom-free life, so you can go out and share your gifts with the world.

You deserve good health.

And properly starting the SCD Diet to restore your gut health is the fastest way we know how to help you do that. If you or someone you know is suffering from this growing digestive disease epidemic, the first step is to change the diet.

But if you’re sick and tired of banging your head against the wall trying to feel better on GAPS, SCD, or Paleo, our digestive troubleshooting course can help you make tweaks to your current program to finally get relief from those nagging stomach problems.

A happy belly can be a reality for all of us. Thank you for being brave enough to talk about poop with us 🙂

– Jordan

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