Troubleshooting Your Digestion

Troubleshooting Your Digestion

Shhh, Listen for the Diet & Supplement Changes Your Body Is Begging For & Start Feeling Better In Days!

Are you sick and tired of banging your head against the wall trying to feel better on GAPS, SCD, or Paleo?

Dear friend,

Your body needs a custom diet or you won’t get better. End of story.

But don’t worry, it’s much simpler than it sounds, in fact anyone can do it if they are willing to listen closely…

This Troubleshooting digestion class will teach you how to tune into the subtle clues your body is already giving you, so you know exactly what changes to make next.

We call these little changes “tweaks” – and most people struggling on Paleo, GAPS, or SCD are only 2-3 tweaks away from feeling amazing…

And being able to make the right diet and supplement tweaks means you must understand what your body is trying to tell you. There’s tips we use everyday that, once you learn them – you’ll never look at symptoms the same. It’s like putting on a new pair of glasses to see the secret code that was there all along.

The best part?

It can be easily learned, by anyone, so that your symptoms disappear fast – and we’ll show you how.

It’s time to get your body healing…. with MORE energy and LESS inflammation

Look, we’ve been there, making mistake after mistake.  Carefully trying new foods or getting “stuck” eating the same five foods over and over again… or spending money on supplements that don’t even matter.  All while desperately hoping to feel better.

Unfortunately, it took us a long time to realize that the answers we wanted were actually coming from inside of us.  They were right there the whole time telling us exactly what to do, but we weren’t listening!

It might sound funny but we couldn’t see it, the and the whole time we were frustrated thinking that natural diets might not work for us… 

No More!  In this Step-by-step troubleshooting package, you’ll be on your way to feeling better fast, like our friends that started testing this material last year:

 Are You Ready To Feel Better & Be the Next Success Story?

We’d love to feature your story, as we have for countless other students that we’ve been fortunate to help troubleshoot their way to newfound health.

We believe in your success because we’ve seen it time and time again.  It’s darkest right before the dawn… If Your beginning to lose hope and it feels like nothing makes sense anymore, we are here for you. That’s why we want you to know:

A Custom Diet and supplement protocol is the Secret to Feeling Great and We Can’t Wait to Teach You What Your Body Already Knows!

Troubleshooting digestion 101 contains-

  • How to quickly detect 10 different subtle clues from your body telling you exactly what to do next
  • What foods to take out right away if you’re constipated, and what to eat instead
  • How to overcome lack of energy, even if you’re getting enough to eat and still feel exhausted
  • What tweaks to make for leaky gut and fructose malabsorption
  • The specific foods most people try that actually irritates the gut… and often triggers painful setbacks
  • How to properly introduce probiotics, without getting nervous you made the wrong move
  • The exact supplement regimen we used to feel our best – and how to modify it for your body
  • How to SMASH THROUGH and permanently eliminate leaky gut and inflammation
  • The specific tests that will tell you exactly what supplements you need and when it’s time to try them

Learn how to Start Listening to the Subtle Clues Your Body is Giving You

Are you fed up with feeling sick, even though you’re eating a really restrictive diet? 

Your not alone.

Actually, you can move past this part of your life relatively fast and I believe you’ll be feeling really good soon. I know this because…

We’ve helped plenty of coaching clients using this material, and even a larger select group of “advanced” members last year… testing, refining, and getting better at the troubleshooting process.

They all learned and saw fast improvements.

Our goal is to get you past the frustrating “stuck phase” where people usually give up and INTO THE HEALING PHASE quickly.

Is that you? 

Are you forever stuck trying to get to your “food safe zone” but can’t break through?  Or maybe you caught a glimpse of what it’s like, but couldn’t stay there?

If you’re serious about taking control of your symptoms, we’re serious about helping YOU!

Join us….  

Here’s what we’ve put together for you:

The “Troubleshooting Your Digestion” Program

Over 9 HOURS of content, delivered to you so that you can stream it on your computer, or download to your iPad, iPod or other portable MP3 device, INSTANTLY!

The attendees of this class tested this material for us last year and paid up to $377.00.

But in the spirit of teaching more people how to troubleshoot their diet and supplements, we have this special Offer for our friends who are READY to get this handled right now!


Step 1: Tuning Into Your Body

You’ll learn how to use subtle clues to know exactly when to add or subtract foods… and the specific tweaks your body is begging for… this 76-minute class has everything you need to get your custom diet tweaks right.  It’s time to end the frustration of what to do next!

Step 2: The Top 6 supplements for Rapid-Healing

You’ll learn how to maximize your healing and feel-better faster using these proven supplement tweaks… it’s a little known fact, but a custom healing diet isn’t complete without a custom healing supplement plan.  It’s time to create that total package to support your body with this one-hour class.

Step 3: Beyond SCD – Break All The Rules!

In this session, we pull back the curtain and examine the unquestionable… and why breaking the rules might be the last step to feeling better than you’ve ever felt… we cover several hush-hush topics in this 96-minute class like: safe starches, LDN, and advanced probiotic supplementation.

Bonus Webcast: “How Subtle Clues Are Telling You Exactly What to Do”

In this 52-minute bonus webcast, we’ll show you how to stop ignoring the signs and symptoms revealing your next steps… and present 3 live “hot seat” case studies showing you exactly how we would troubleshoot digestive problems from three of our students

Bonus Q & A: Over 4 hours of bonus troubleshooting sessions

When we gave these classes live to a small group of private members last year, we held over 4 hours of additional Q & A troubleshooting sessions… and we recorded them all for you to in “the troubleshooting vault.”

THAT’S OVER 9 HOURS of Troubleshooting Training At Your Fingertips!

Get the Answers NOW!

Yes, Jordan and Steve

I am ready to troubleshoot my digestion with you!

Sign me up for the “Troubleshooting Digestion” program and let’s get my health back now!

I understand it’s an instant program, which includes a over 9 hours of video and downloads

I am ready to Get This Handled!!


5 hours of troubleshooting classes
4 hours of bonus Q & A sessions

1-Time Payment of $147.00

Risk Free and Fully Guaranteed for 30-days!

stress relief program

Join our friends, who’ve tested this material for you…