Join Us LIVE on the Real Food Summit — Troubleshooting Your Diet

SCD Lifestyle Troubleshooting Your Diet
SCD Lifestyle Troubleshooting Your Diet

Since we started this blog I dreamed of a day when we’d give a fancy presentation with poop charts…

Dreams do come true!

Real Food Summit Troubleshooting Your Diet

We were fortunate to do just that as part of our “Troubleshooting Your Diet” presentation for Sean Croxton’s Real Food Summit, check it out:

As you know, the Summit is 100% FREE with 3 presentations a day for a 24-hour viewing period.

Our talk on digestive troubleshooting goes live for 24-hours beginning 12:01 AM Monday July 16th.

Here are a few topics we cover:

  • How could a real food diet make gut problems worse?
  • The most common digestive symptoms and they are telling you
  • Which real foods contribute to an unhappy tummy?
  • Natural strategies to calm your belly
  • Supplements that help, even on a real food diet
  • Are there lifestyle changes that can help my gut?

Sean is an incredible host and we had so much fun being a part of this epic week of experts on food, health, and wellness.  I hope you’ll join us LIVE on Monday to support our community and talk about poop together.

Not only that, but on Tuesday Sean’s bringing us on his Underground Wellness Radio Show to take live Q & A all from our presentation!!!

Here’s two ways you can join us on the Real Food Summit:

1.  Check out our FREE presentation on poop, supplements, and problematic foods

It goes live for 24-hours on Monday 7/16 and it’s completely free!

Here’s the link to see our presentation on “Troubleshooting Your Diet”

–> See our Real Food Summit Presentation

2.  Join us for LIVE Q & A on the Underground Wellness Radio Show at 5 PM PST on Tuesday 7/17…

Hope to see you there, representing our community and talkin’ poop with us!

Talk soon,

– Jordan

P.S. – I almost forgot to mention, Monday July 16th is also the final day to purchase all 27 Real Food Summit presentations for $67 and once it’s over, the price goes up… with all this hot knowledge at a price lower than each presenter charges per hour it’s a no brainer!  .

I’m looking forward to listening to these while I cook, clean and drive to work:

–> Get The Real Food Summit take home package here

**This final link is our presenter affiliate link, meaning that if you decide to buy the summit take home package, we’ll receive commissions.  If you want to support us feel free to purchase the take home package with it.  We appreciate you, our community and all you do for us!

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