SCD Diet Tips

Specific Carbohydrate Diet tips and tricks. Helping people use the SCD Diet to heal digestive disease.

How to Naturally Stop Your Diarrhea in 30 Days Using the SCD Diet

It only took my body 7 days to stop the diarrhea that had kept me trapped to the confines of my bathroom for all those lonely weekend nights. I had naturally stopped my diarrhea in 7 days using the SCD Diet… which made the next 23 days of my commitment wayyy easier! In fact, I am almost at two years now and I have never looked back… I don’t count the days down anymore, I just keep counting up with how many days since I have been healthy. Here’s what I want you to do. Commit to trying to the SCD Diet for 30 days and you will commit to naturally stopping your diarrhea in 30 days using the SCD Diet… they are interchangeable with one another. Do the following three steps to get started and you won’t ever look back…

Why 30 Days on the SCD Diet Will Give You Control of Your IBS

IBS is driven by some back seat drivers working in the background to make life miserable. It is primarily bacterial overgrowth and inflammation. An inflamed gut with an overgrowth of the bad guys is a recipe for disaster and leads to the symptoms labeled irritable bowel syndrome. You have to attack this thing two fold by first killing off the bacteria (ideally through starving them to death) and then cooling the inflammation down. What’s the best way to accomplish both of those tasks… the magic pill to take control of IBS? You guessed it, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

SCD Food Cravings: Are You Crazy or Is Your Body Trying to Tell You Something?

In the past I’ve done all the above and more. During my time on the SCD diet I swear there were times when I was literally addicted to some foods. Sometimes I would snack on one of these simple pleasures for weeks and then suddenly when I looked at my grocery bills I would get a huge slap in the face. I ate a pound of honey a week for the last four weeks, how about a whole box of raisins in 2 days?!? Yikes.

The Top Three Ways to Manage the SCD Diet at Work

I was really shy when I first started the diet and hid the fact that I was eating the SCD diet… but over time I learned a few things that made it easier to get by and now I have no trouble sticking to the diet and following a normal work life. In fact, sometimes people at work even pull me aside because they want to learn more about how I got to be so healthy. Here are the top three ways to manage the SCD diet at work.

The SCD Secret to Success: How to Properly Introduce New Foods

During the first six months on the diet I was so afraid of going backwards that I very rarely took the initiative to try something new. I just kept eating the same boring meals over and over again and relished my new found health… turns out that gets old after a while. Since then I have experimented with adding new foods more often, like pieces of a puzzle, in order to make some really incredible SCD legal meals. But in the beginning, it was a very rocky road that took me off course in a matter of a few hours. I wanted to share my SCD secret to success and show you what I found was the best way to properly introduce new foods to make sure I know how my body feels about it.

SCD Diet OCD: Are You Chasing the Elusive “Perfect Poop”?

Recently we were talking about the Bristol Stool Chart and we were discussing our recent poops (everyone’s favorite topic). The topic came up that, with the Bristol Stool chart, there really isn’t one defined end point. Depending on which expert or doctor you talk with you get a range or different answers about what the “perfect poop” is.

SCD Diet Eating: 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Digestion Right Now

Since leaving the Standard American Diet (SAD) my health has improved in just about every area possible. But when I first started the SCD diet I brought quite a few bad habits that the SAD taught me that limited my healing. Here are 3 simple things I learned that improved my digestion as soon as I implemented them. If you implement these three positive habits you can improve your digestion right now.

Troubleshooting the SCD Diet: How to Pinpoint the Foods Stopping You from SCD Success

I was stuck in an SCD holding pattern for months… and I couldn’t figure out what to do to improve and move forward. I learned the hard way how to pinpoint foods that were causing me problems and stopping me from SCD success. After I figured out the basic process I needed to go through to get rid of foods causing a problem, my health advanced quickly and things haven’t slowed down since.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet Cures GERD?

I came across a great series of 6 articles that explains how and why GERD happens. I think it should be essential reading for anyone on the SCD diet because it explains in very simple terms how and why many people on the typical standard American diet (SAD) have acid reflux and how doctors treat the symptoms with medicine handed to them from the evil pharmaceutical empire. It also helps that the author backs everything up with legit sources and studies.

SCD Legal Spices: Frontier Simply Organic… Spice Up Your Life!

I’m always on the look out for SCD legal products that can be easily purchased and integrated into my everyday life. Lately, I’ve been looking to spice my diet up a bit (pun intended). So I’ve been doing some research on different spices that I can find in my local grocery and health food stores. One company that I’ve come across and have bought several products from is Frontier Spices.

The #1 Reason People Fail on the SCD Diet… and Never Get to Feel Better

The biggest reason people fail on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is that they move way too fast and advance through the diet too quickly. Let’s face it, we are all impatient. The first week on the diet is always the hardest for everyone, mostly due to physical symptoms of the bacterial die off… but it can also be the biggest mental challenge you will ever face. We are sick of being sick and want to get better right now!

The SCD Diet and Alcohol: Part III – The SCD Guide to Liquors

In Part II we discussed SCD legal wine which is made through the process of fermentation. In this guide will examine SCD legal liquors which are drinkable liquids containing ethanol made by distilling fruits, grains or vegetables. If you missed Part I make sure you go back and re-read it to have a better understanding of how any alcohol affects your digestive system.

The SCD Diet and Poop: It’s Time to Talk About It

As with all things in life, it is extremely important to have something to measure yourself against to find out where you are in relation to where you want to be. Poop is no exception. In fact, poop is something everyone is always so scared and embarrassed to talk about… but it is the number one indicator of how well our bodies are functioning inside. So Let’s Talk About Poop

The SCD Diet and Alcohol: Part II… SCD Legal Wine Guide

In Part I of this series we discussed alcohol’s effects on our digestive systems and I gave a listing of legal and Illegal alcohol types. Of the types of legal alcohols they can be broken down into wines and liquors. In this post we will learn all about wines and how someone on the SCD diet can identify which wines to drink to minimize damage to the digestive system.