SCD Diet Tips

Specific Carbohydrate Diet tips and tricks. Helping people use the SCD Diet to heal digestive disease.

SCD Probiotics – What You Really Need to Know

If we have 10x more bacteria growing inside us than human cells, maybe we should become better friends with them… they might play just as big of a role in our health as food, air, and water. Some people refer to it as “tending our bacteria gardens”. It can be one of the easiest ways to start feeling better faster other than changing your diet, and that’s why I put this post together about SCD Probiotics and what you really need to know about them.

Cheryl Cravino Beats Up Crohn’s

Our Specific Carbohydrate Diet friend of the week is Cheryl Cravino who has beat up her Crohn’s and is now medication and symptom free. Her story is one that I can relate to and I think others as well. Not receiving the care we need from traditional medicine a chance meeting offers an alternative that almost everyone refuses to accept. Diet matters. Now Cheryl is returning the favor by telling her story.

Ditch Your SCD Training Wheels by Creating a Food Safe Zone

All the greatest skills and procedures utilize foundational skills. These simple steps form the support structure for more complex skills. We don’t live in a bubble; real life is stressful and always changing. Getting the simple steps right is the most important step for success. This is the biggest pitfall for a person who “jumps head first” into the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. The foundation is missing.

The Four Dark Horsemen of SCD (What to Do When the Diet Isn’t Working)

We’re confident that SCD works for most people. In fact, we’re convinced that if diet modification isn’t working for you – you’re probably only one or two tweaks away from becoming another SCD success story. To make it easier for you we’ve identified four common SCD tweaks that allow the diet to work for 95% of us.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet Friends Spotlight: Fernpixel

This week we have a special guest, Fernpixel who graciously poured her heart and soul out to answer our questions. She has been blogging about SCD and her battles with ulcerative colitis for almost 3 years! Not only that, she has been producing videos on all kinds of topics related to her progress and SCD for 2 years. She has a unique ability to share her message and SCD in a very truthful but fun and positive light. I’ve watched many of her videos and I really love her witty humor and her ability to make cooking fun.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet Friends Spotlight: Kat from Kat’s Food Blog

Our spotlight this week is one we have secretly been crossing our fingers for since we started this effort. We have the distinct pleasure of having Kat Garson from “Kat’s Food Blog”! I know that both of us have spent a good chunk of our SCD lives reading everything she puts up, so this really is a cool deal for us. Kat took the time to share some of her incredible insights and blew our minds.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet Friends Spotlight: Susan “The SCD Girl”

This week we are very lucky to have interviewed Susan… “The SCD Girl”. Her blog details her life beating Rheumatoid Arthritis and helping to curb her son’s symptoms of Autism, all using the SCD diet. She is a real person, and writes like a real person, and that’s my favorite part about her and her life. Check out her amazing story and get to know someone that has had an incredible journey.

SCD Success Story: Nancy Controls Her UC After Thinking the Diet Didn’t Work For 20 Years!

Nancy Bradshaw actually got a hold of us because her story is so powerful that she wanted to share it. She is an inspiration and also a great example of someone who thought that the SCD Diet didn’t work. We always talk about how it works for most people as long as you sort tweak it to fit your body and your healing journey…

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start the SCD Diet

Hand writing the answers to these questions is better than typing, but better yet leave your answers in the comments section below so you can return in 6 months and update them. 1: How healthy do I feel during an average day? Describe in detail, your physical qualities including pains, annoyances and pleasures, then describe…

Christina From Organically Autoimmune

This week I just can’t wait any longer to roll out our spotlight… Christina from Organically Autoimmune. Christina is doing something I wish I would have done and documenting her SCD healing journey every step of the way, and it is incredible! If you haven’t checked out her site you it is a must read for anyone on the diet or even if you are still considering it. She has committed to 365 days on the SCD Diet (awesome by the way) and she is sharing every detail along the way.

Naomi from Milk for the Morning Cake

This week we are really excited to spotlight Naomi who runs a blog called Milk for the Morning Cake. This is a really cool honor for us because we have both spent hours on her site during our journey healing on the SCD Diet. Naomi is an incredible person; she is a Homeopath and Nutritionist who gets it, from her own experience with Celiac Disease and not getting any better on a gluten free diet… not to mention she is an unreal SCD cook.

What’s Stopping You From Starting the SCD Diet?

We have been trying to help people get started on the diet for a while now. We are so passionate about it because we know it works… it’s worked for us and worked for quite a few people that email us every day.

The question is, will it work for you? We strongly believe the answer is yes…

But the real question is: are you going to try starting the SCD Diet?

Mrs. Ed from Mrs. Ed’s Research and Recipes

This week we are pleased to spotlight Tracee (Mrs. Ed) who runs a blog called Mrs Ed’s Research and Recipes. Her blog details her amazing journey in motherhood which she sums up saying, “We are a household dealing with autism, food allergies, Celiacs disease, Crohn’s disease, chronic constipation, severely picky eating and snoring…” Her story inspires me anytime I feel like giving up…

What If I Don’t Have the Time or Energy to Start the SCD Diet?

On the healing crow’s archived site, there is a really valueable section titled “SCD Wisdom” where there are many incredible insights from Elaine on various topics about the SCD Diet. I wanted to share one particular one that helped me in the beginning while I was trying to figure out how to start the SCD Diet.

Matt from Natural Digestive Healing

This week we are pleased to spotlight Matt Robinson who runs a blog called Digestive Healing. His blog details his incredible journey taking control of his UC without medication, starting with the SCD Diet. Matt is really interesting because he was an incredible endurance athlete before his UC diagnosis and continues to compete while following the SCD Diet, which inspires me when I get tired from chasing my 2 year old son around the house…

Specific Carbohydrate Diet Friends Spotlight: Arden Eats

This week we are pleased to spotlight Arden D. who runs a blog called Ardeneats. Her blog is an amazing resource for How-to cooking videos and offers many life lessons that are hard earned on SCD. I’ve watched and used many of her videos and I think you should check them out too. I want to highlight two of my favorite posts that I think are of extremely high value for all SCD’ers.