SCD Legal Spices: Frontier Simply Organic… Spice Up Your Life!

I’m always on the look out for SCD legal products that can be easily purchased and integrated into my everyday life. Lately, I’ve been looking to spice my diet up a bit (pun intended). So I’ve been doing some research on different spices that I can find in my local grocery and health food stores. One company that I’ve come across and have bought several products from is Frontier Spices. I really like their company website because it explicitly states all their rather impressive manufacturing technologies and allergen controls.

Frontier produces two lines of products, one of which is their own brand name.

They also created an all organic line of spices that is called Simply Organic.

Simply Organic Frontier Spices

I currently own and use several frontier products, including their pure vanilla extract, simply organic cinnamon, chipotle pepper, simply organic basil and simply organic oregano. It’s starting to become quite the collection. I started out slowly by first buying the cinnamon, which I absolutely love (freshest I’ve ever tasted in ground form). After doing some more research, I decided to see if some of the harder spices to obtain on this diet, like curry powders or any spice/herb that is smoked and then ground up, would be SCD legal form with this company. I emailed the company specifically to inquire about chipotle pepper’s smoking process and made sure to mention that I am allergic to man-made anti-caking agents and any starches. Here is the email I received back.

Hello Steven,

Thank you for your inquiry. Frontier does not use any processing aids or
anti-caking agents without listing them prominently on the label. Most of
our single ingredient spices contain nothing other than the spice itself
with the exception of a few fine ground products (such as onion and garlic)
that contain silicon dioxide as an anti-caking agent. Again, this is
prominently disclosed on the label in the ingredients declaration. If a
label doesn’t feature an ingredient declaration, such as basil, that means
that there is only one ingredient, basil.

The smoking process does not include anything other than actual smoke from
a traditional “smoking” method. Nothing is added to the jalapenos in this

Kind Regards,
Jesse Otter

As you can see from above, they are very open about listing all ingredients on their products. In addition, of the products I own, I have never reacted to any of them. An interesting note from the email shows that they do add silicon dioxide (also known as silica) to their garlic and onion powders, which according to Pecanbread’s supplement listing is a legal additive (Note: I checked their products out online and it turns out their garlic salts include silicon dioxide where as they have granulated garlic and onion that do not contain it).

Overall, I am extremely impressed with this company and love their products. I plan to continue buying from their simply organic line because I know that these spices are even more pure being free of any man-made chemicals. I have found this brand in several big box grocery stores in several cities but if you cannot find them you can always order from their website.  (We are in no way affiliated with this company and do not make any money to endorse their product… we just like their stuff and thought we would spread the word.)

Got any other good spice companies that are your favorites? Tell us about them!


**Originally, I included Simply Organic Curry powder in this post. But as Carol pointed out below, after further research most curry powders, including Frontier’s, use fenusgreek powder… which is illegal because it is mainly used to make additives such as guar gum.

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