How to Naturally Stop Your Diarrhea in 30 Days Using the SCD Diet

I was at a breaking point in my life, and I was willing to do anything to get better. When my doctor told me this was the start of a long journey, and kicked me out of his office with a book for a prescription, I was lost.  It was in the days that followed that I discovered the amazing success stories of people just like us who followed the SCD diet and actually got better! I followed Elaine’s advice and fully committed to 30 days of fanatical strictness on the SCD diet. My commitment to get better for myself and my family got me through the cravings, boring beginning foods, and the ups and downs.

There is a lot of mental power that goes into committing to try something for 30 days. It will keep you focused through those horrible days, when you can’t think about anything but quitting and turning back to the old way of life that was way “easier.” The idea of trying something for 30 days actually gave me the confidence to take action and start the diet… to give it a shot. What’s the worst that could happen? It doesn’t work and I go on to researching my next “magic pill.” Best case is that it works and my search over.

It only took my body 7 days to stop the diarrhea that had kept me trapped to the confines of my bathroom for all those lonely weekend nights. I had naturally stopped my diarrhea in 7 days using the SCD Diet… which made the next 23 days of my commitment wayyy easier! In fact, I am almost at two years now and I have never looked back… I don’t count the days down anymore, I just keep counting up with how many days since I have been healthy.

Here’s what I want you to do. Commit to trying the SCD Diet for 30 days and you will commit to naturally stopping your diarrhea in 30 days using the SCD Diet… they are interchangeable with one another. Do the following three steps to get started and you won’t ever look back…

1: Write down your commitment to the SCD Diet and share it with someone close to you. Pen something along the lines of…

I, (name), have made a firm and fully-committed decision to start the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. I am prepared and have the courage to commit to this diet for 90 days. Therefore, on this, the ____________ day of _____________, 20___, I vow to myself that I will adhere to the framework of the SCD diet. I will successfully start my intestinal healing process on this diet through dedicated practice of the principles laid out in this book and Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health through Diet. I will reach my 90-day milestone on the SCD diet on the _____________ day of ___________, 20____.

2:  Re-read Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall, so you remember why you’re getting into what you are getting into… but don’t let the details overwhelm you… 30 days is simple enough.

30 Days Isn’t That Long

3: Go to and download our free guide to properly starting the SCD Diet and pick a day that you are going to get started. It’s that simple, we have every detail laid out… just make the commitment and follow the steps. First, just make it 7 days, then 14 days, then 30 will seem like nothing.

If you do these three things and start the diet with the full intention of trying it for 30 days, you will naturally stop your diarrhea in 30 days using the SCD Diet. Every step is laid out in the guide to make sure you get started properly, the only hard part is the part inside your head that you have to commit to 30 days and actually do it.

If your diarrhea isn’t stopped in 30 days, then send us an email for some more help on figuring out the one piece of the puzzle that might still be causing you issues. But if you at least gave it 30 days, started it properly, and followed it with strict adherence you should be hitting your stride right about that time.

What is the most overwhelming part of starting the diet for you?  Leave comments below…

– Jordan

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