Remembering a Crohn’s Pioneer Today

Alan-Schachter - Crohn's Dad

In March of 2010 our blog was fresh and there wasn’t a lot of traffic, so when we got an influx of new readers from the CCFA message boards I was really curious what was going on.

I discovered there was a pioneer inside the message boards helping tons of newly diagnosed Crohn’s patients.  It seemed like he was everywhere, selflessly helping anyone and everyone.  His message was positive and uplifting while he educated people about natural treatment options like SCD, even sharing our website in the process.

I was blown away by how much he knew.  His deep understanding of the research was remarkable.

As it turned out, he was fighting for his daughter’s health… doing everything he could to naturally treat her Crohn’s Disease, with wonderful success.

I reached out to him on Facebook and he became a friend and ally, another IBD researching brother, we talked and shared the latest news, studies, and stories.  I remember acting like kids in a candy store when we got our hands on a new study.

That man was Alan Schachter, Crohn’s Dad, and he’s singlehandedly changed the lives of thousands of people with Crohn’s disease.

On Sunday, July 8th we lost him to a heart attack…

He was a pioneer that selflessly devoted endless hours to helping people at the other end of keyboard.

He inspired hope in people who didn’t have any.

He cared deeply about our health and did everything he could to share his knowledge with the world.

His work will forever carry on and continue to grow…

If you know someone with Crohn’s disease, share Alan’s PDF with them: “A New Paradigm for Crohn’s Strategies

Print it off and take it to your Doctor.  Keep it alive.

We’re grateful to have been impacted by your spirit Alan, RIP my friend.

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