Digestive Disease Upon Second Glance

Have you seen those crazy pictures that totally trick your eye?

One minute it’s an old woman…

Then, you focus a little harder and suddenly a young woman appears before your eyes.

Many judgments turn out to be wrong upon closer inspection.

I think digestive diseases may be another example of judging the book by the cover.

Jordan and I have talked with 1000’s of people suffering from digestive disease in the last couple years. The majority are suffering from Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s, but a rising number of IBS, Celiac, Diverticulitis, Candida, fructose problems, undiagnosed stomach pains and many more are reaching out to us.

We often reflect and brainstorm on the conversations hoping to figure out a universal solution to all digestive related problems.

Pie-in-the-Sky Right?

Maybe not, everyone seems so focused on individualism and reductionism treatments, causality and symptoms. We often wonder, what about the bigger picture?

As humans we always seem so focused on finding differences. I think it starts as children for most people, our parents tell us we are all special snow flakes from day one.

But what they don’t tell us is that 98% of our genomes are the same.

So, while no one is a 100% match, we are all pretty much rocking the same genes.

Don’t get me wrong, we preach plenty of individualism and stress the importance that your N=1 solution is always going to be different than mine.

But at the same time we have a running list, at a higher level, say 30,000 feet.

What Ties All Digestive Diseases Together?

Or stomach problems of any kind for that matter…

#1 Inflammation

#2 Gut Bacteria Dysbiosis

#3 Malnutrition

#4 Malasboprtion

#5 Leaky Gut

#6 Immune Dis-regulation

This is just a start, and of course all based on our anecdotal experiences and research.

But what if the Solution is 50%… or dare I suggest 80% the same for all of us?

How would that revolutionize health care?

Wouldn’t it be crazy to know that 80% of getting your health back was STANDARDIZED?

Let me know what you think! In fact, as our readers what are your thoughts? Can you help us refine and develop this idea?  Leave a comment below with your thoughts or experiences.


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