Inflaming Fats: How to Avoid The Great Nut Mistake

To kick off today’s final free video – I have to say thank you…

We’ve gotten so much positive feedback and really kind words from the videos we’ve been doing for you.

And we really appreciate that – because we enjoy sharing these videos with you and we’re glad you’re benefiting from them…

That’s why we’re sharing them.

Now, we’ve also been getting a lot of questions about The Advanced Course.

One of the biggest questions we get is, “what’s in the course and what’s it like?”

Well, we’ll walk you through all that at the VERY END of tomorrow night’s live webinar and then open up 50 spots for those who are interested…

But not until AFTER we show you some really cool stuff for 60-minutes.

Regardless, I’m not here to put pressure on you to buy it…

I want to give you more cool free stuff

So what I’d like to give you today is more of the actual course itself.

We’ve dug through the course and found a segment that we think will be very helpful for you regardless of what point you’re at on this “healing road” that we’re all traveling along together.

And what I think you’re going to like about this video is that we pull back the curtain on the evil “inflaming fats” that can hold you back from healing your gut for good… and yes, that includes nuts and nut flours.

So in this little snippet of The Advanced Course we’ll show you a pretty cool little method that I REALLY think will help you start healing immediately…

It’s the simple way to eat nuts and nut flours that can help you avoid triggering HIGH INFLAMMATION and those crushing setbacks that come with it.

It’s super easy, too… so you should be able to implement this TODAY and avoid “The Great Nut Mistake” that causes many people to crash and burn.

I hope you enjoy it.


Enjoy 🙂

Jordan signature

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