What’s Stopping You From Starting the SCD Diet?

We have been trying to help people get started on the diet for a while now.  We are so passionate about it because we know it works… it’s worked for us and worked for quite a few people that email us every day.

The question is, will it work for you?  We strongly believe the answer is yes…

But the real question is: are you going to try starting the SCD Diet?

We want to be there to help you every step of the way to stop your diarrhea/constipation, stomach pain, and low energy and take control of your health!

So I have a favor to ask…

I have a question for you and if you have 60 seconds to answer it it would mean the world.  What’s stopping you from starting the SCD Diet?  In other words, if there was one thing that would help you finally take the plunge… what would it be?

Leave your comments below, and if you are already on the diet, please share your thoughts too… together we can help other people in the SCD Community heal on this incredible diet.

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