Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 9 – Settling Back Down!

Co-Founder of SCD Lifestyle Steve Wright has finally broken down and started his path to intestinal healing.  After many years of undiagnosed digestive warfare in his body, these series of weekly posts will take you through his experiences, thoughts, and struggles on the SCD diet.  Check back and follow his progress:

Week 9 Summary

I have finally completed my move!  It’s taken a solid 3 weeks of packing, moving, job transitioning, and finally unpacking but it is done.  Last week my eating was all over the place, I didn’t always have my proboitics, yogurt, betaine HCL and sometimes properly prepared SCD legal food.  I was forced to basically adapt during the days of

moving on the fly.  This caused me to eat a whole bag of what I thought was SCD legal trail mix (although probably not) and advanced un-cooked vegetables and fruit.  Also as I was staying with family and friends and eating food cooked by them I’m sure some of the meats I ate were not entirely SCD legal.  In the mist of all this upheaval I also passed the 60 day mark of trying to adhere to the SCD diet.

Mental and Body Changes

Last week I really started to understand the mental effects of eating SCD legal foods that my body is ready for vs. advanced foods or illegal foods.  Mentally the stress of life finally caught up to me, so emotionally I was all over the place.  I could tell when I was able to eat properly prepared SCD legal foods and had my supplements near by I had much better energy, focus and no mental fogginess.  I also experienced much more upper respiratory mucus production that had previously been slowly getting better.

From a body perspective I was all over the place when I was unable to take my supplements or I ate things like more advanced foods I experienced much more gas than normal.  On a couple occasions after meals I had some bloating.  My bowel movements were extremely erratic however I never experienced any diarrhea or constipation.

Fitness Goals

I am still trying to transition into a new city with new insurance and doctors so I still haven’t seen the inside of a gym.  I am hoping by the next week’s update I will have found new doctors and started working out at a new gym.

Diet Details

This week it really hit me in the forehead how important it is for me to make sure that I’m using all the tools available in order to get healthy.  Without taking all my supplements and eating the foods that I know do not cause me problems I will have less than optimal digestion.  For the most part I ate SCD legal this last week.  But I ate things like whole nuts, dried fruits and probably ate some spice mixtures and oils that are not SCD legal.  In the coming weeks I will not be focusing on adding or advancing in the diet, but stabilizing my digestion with my current diet.  I want to get back to the health levels I was at about 3 weeks ago.  As my symptoms start to clear up and my bowel movements start improving again, I will start adding new foods again.

One Line Thoughts On The SCD Diet

  • There really is no excuse for forgetting to take supplements or drugs if getting healthy is your goal
  • Having a journal and reflecting on the past couple weeks has really helped me to drive home how much better I feel when I’m eating SCD legal
  • Your social circle will get used to your diet somewhere around 50-60 days in, at least mine is and actually start to help you stay focused and positive

Has anyone else noticed that the SCD legal/ illegal food rules are pretty much the same as the Paleo Diet? Or Primal/Caveman Diet?

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