Steve’s SCD Diet Journal

Steve Wright documented his first 27-weeks following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet – follow along with his case study.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 15 – Why Can’t I Smell?

This last week was pretty much an extension of the previous week’s symptoms. I didn’t have a bowel movement for around 3 1/2 days and was starting to get pretty uncomfortable so I went out and got some prune juice. I drank about 8 oz on Wednesday night and 8 oz on Thursday morning and finally that afternoon the pipes started working again. After that, I continued to drink about 8 oz a day throughout the weekend and was back to averaging one bowel movement a day. Although I was able to shake the C, my BM’s were only of about 2 quality on the Bristol stool chart. I also had more gas than I have had since starting the diet back in January. I have had smelly loud gas all day everyday for about 10 days now. I really hope that whatever is going on in there leads to the good guys starting to win the battle.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 14 – Don’t Lose The Forest Among the Trees!

Well, fittingly, after coming off a nice new high last week, my digestive healing is on a bit of a bull pullback (stock trading talk for down swing in the middle of an up swing). The main problem has been bowel movements. Not really any other problems, just the fact that they are not very high quality and I’ve had a couple mini constipation cycles (2-3days).

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 13 – 90 Day Milestone!

This past week was pretty epic, I added a few new foods and didn’t cheat at all LOL, no really but I did officially pass 90 days on the SCD diet! It’s been an interesting 90 days, I learned much more about myself and body than I ever could have imagined. Physically and Mentally this diet has been a great blessing when I stick to it. It’s because of that I will continue on for at least another 100 days (I like to chunk big goals down) and then reevaluate my situation.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 12 – Standing Outside the Fire!

In the last week I think I’ve really turned a corner. Not a physical corner but a mental corner. Understanding that I’m not alone, and that I’m not the first person to act this way or have these problems really helps. It’s one of those realizations that should be simple and yet it was extremely hard for me. It is really easy for me to get stuck inside my head and start thinking that my experience is some how blazing a trail. This is a trail that many people have gone down before and so while we are all unique we also not that unique.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 11 – Avoiding the Broken Record!

As you know broken records repeatedly play the same tune over and over. Well I’m approaching that same song, with this post. I committed to writing this journal to help others and to use it as tool and for me to stay committed to the SCD diet. Unfortunately to stay true to you and to myself I need to come clean on a few accounts.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 10 – Starting a New Beginning!

Moving to a new city and into a new apartment is always a bit of an adventure. I have moved more times than anyone I know in the last 5 years and I still have not figured out a better way of doing it other than trial and error. So my last week has mostly been crazy to say the least. I had stock piled a bunch of cooked SCD legal food just in case I happened to burn down my new kitchen (every stove is different I swear). I stuck mainly to the basics, of squash, chicken and fish all week because I wanted to help reset my system after the past couple weeks of turmoil. Many people will actually return right to the intro diet if they feel that they’ve had a major stumble but I didn’t have the means at this time.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 9 – Settling Back Down!

I have finally completed my move! It’s taken a solid 3 weeks of packing, moving, job transitioning, and finally unpacking but it is done. Last week my eating was all over the place, I didn’t always have my proboitics, yogurt, betaine HCL and sometimes properly prepared SCD legal food. I was forced to basically adapt during the days of moving on the fly. This caused me to eat a whole bag of what I thought was SCD legal trail mix (although probably not) and advanced un-cooked vegetables and fruit.

Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 8 – Remembering How Far I have Come!

fter last weekend’s episode of eating illegal’s, I’d hoped that I didn’t do to much serious damage to my healing process. I’m happy to report that I think I’m going to make a full recovery (whew! I know)…in a couple weeks. The beginning of this week I experienced a couple days of higher than normal gas with BM’s that were all over the map. In the middle of the week during my haste to pack up my belongings to move this weekend, I ran out of my Betaine HCL, yogurt and my multi-vitamin for several days.

Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 6 – Getting the Ball Rolling!

This past week has been a sort of roller-coaster for me. I had such a great breakthrough last week that I was really looking forward to capitalizing on it and keeping the ball rolling this week. Looking back on the week I can see now that I’m still going in the right direction, however during the week I thought I was starting to regress. I still managed to keep regular daily bowel movements however the quality was all over the place. It’s not exactly what I was hoping for and in the moment I was getting pretty discouraged. It wasn’t until the end of the week when I looked back at the week in comparison to other weeks that I realized that it was indeed a good week. In my daily health battle I had gotten lost in the trees and forgot to view my health at the forest level.

Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 4 – Learning how to make goat’s milk yogurt

Week 4 Summary: This is a big week for me because I get to celebrate my 30th day on the SCD diet. I am 1/3 of the way through my 90-day commitment to this diet! I needed to return home for some family business in the middle of the week, which forced me out of my normal routine. This cut out most of my weightlifting sessions and forced me to spend a bunch of time doing extreme batch cooking early in the week in preparation.

Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 3 – Bring on the travel and fat loss!

Week 3 Summary: Following up from last week I successfully traveled home for the weekend (a 5 hour road trip). During the week I made extra large batches of meat, veggies and fruit. I put enough for four meals in some Tupper ware and packed them in a cooler using some ice packs. I was then able to eat eggs in the morning and have a standard lunch and dinner for both Saturday and Sunday.

Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 2 – Overcoming Sickness

Co-Founder of SCD Lifestyle Steve Wright has finally broken down and started his path to intestinal healing. These series of weekly posts will take you through his experiences, thoughts, and struggles on the SCD diet. This is his week 2 summary as he transitions into Phase 1 and out of the Intro Diet.

Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 1 – The Intro Diet Conquered!

Co-Founder of SCD Lifestyle Steve Wright has finally broken down and started his path to intestinal healing. After many years of undiagnosed digestive warfare in his body, these series of weekly posts will take you through his experiences, thoughts, and struggles on the SCD diet. Today is day 6 on the SCD diet, I have successfully survived 4 days on the intro diet and I’m now transitioning into phase one of the diet. Other than making quite a mess of my kitchen everything went smoothly.