Is Food More Effective Than Humira for Crohn’s Disease?


Recently, this Cure Together survey of 1,327 Crohn’s Disease patients found the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to more effective at treating Crohn’s Disease than Humira…

In fact, SCD was only the 2nd most effective natural treatment option behind Cannabis… but how long does a good high possibly last anyway?

More and more, Crohn’s Disease patients are given Humira in their doctor’s office instead of a SCD quick start guide.


I wonder what would be possible if it was the other way around…

In light of that question, I want to share five reasons to try SCD instead of Humira to recover from the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease.

1. Diet Treats the Root Cause, Humira Treats the Sympstoms

What if I said to you, “Hey, my toilet is overflowing and every time I walk in the bathroom my socks get all wet!”?

Would you give me rubber boots so I could stop changing my socks every time I had to pee?

Or would you hit me upside the head and tell me to go turn off the water so we could fix the broken parts inside the toilet?

Humira is like those rubber boots… it turns off your immune system by blocking the production of TNF-alpha, an inflammatory cytokine your body produces as part of the inflammatory response, but believe me, the toilet is still overflowing. The drug doesn’t address the root cause leading to inflammation.

An anti-inflammatory diet like SCD does address the inflammation and helps prevent your bathroom floor from being wet for the rest of your life.

2. Humira Has Side Effects Like…

Reactions at the injection site, upper respiratory tract infections, sinus infections, nausea, urinary tract infections, flu symptoms, abdominal pain, high cholesterol, blood in the urine, back pain, high blood pressure, and more seriously: infections such as tuberculosis, sepsis (bacteria in the blood), and fungal infections… not to mention the whole increased chance of developing cancer thing.

A real food diet has side effects like: increased energy, mental clarity, reduced inflammation, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, improved blood pressure, and increased nutritional uptake.

Both can help you get perfect poops… what more needs to be said?

3. Humira Is Expensive…

Estimates around the web show that Humira can cost more than $13,000 a year for patients who have no drug coverage. That’s over $1,000 a month.

Some of our Facebook Fans recently mentioned they are paying anywhere from $600-$800 a month for injections.

Even if you ate 100% organic food and grass-fed meat you would only spend about half that a month for one person!

If anything, changing your diet can save you money, especially in the long run. Think of it like this: instead of choosing expensive medication, you’re choosing high-quality healthy fuel for your body.

4. Humira Has Only Been Around for 10 Years…

Ever heard of the drug Fen-Phen?

It helped people when it was new too… until it started killing them. I’m not saying Humira is going to kill people, but the long-term risks of a drug can never be realized in such a short time period.

The FDA has been wrong before… know anyone that developed Crohn’s after taking Accutane?

Humans have been eating meat, fruits, nuts, and veggies for hundreds of thousands of years…

I’ll take hundreds of thousands of years of data please.

5. Humira Can Be a Crutch

But unlocking health through diet is empowering.

We all have to eat every day and the food we put in our mouth will either make inflammation worse or make it better. It’s either nourishing or harmful. Food can support us or hurt us… but we all have to eat. We all have a choice…

Choose your path wisely. I know which road I took… the healthier, less expensive, less risky road that ends up leading me to the healthy life I deserve… rather than taking me into a dark forest of illness, surgery, and more pills.

The bottom line is: it’s not healthy to rely on medicine to suppress your immune system and curb the symptoms of Crohn’s disease so that you can make it through the day.

Try SCD for 30 days as a part of a comprehensive healing plan to feel incredible and control the symptoms of the disease.

Empower yourself, take control of your health and break free of the medicine. It’s the only way to get your life back from the dark corners of digestive disease.

Diet versus Humira? Share your opinion in the comments…

– Jordan

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