Announcing the Real Food Summit! 27 Free Presentations on Food, Health and Wellness

Sean Croxton is at it again.

If you haven’t heard of Sean Croxton he’s famous for dropping truth bombs on Underground Wellness Radio and pooping on youtube!  We interviewed him last fall on our podcast and it was a blast.

Sean has been a busy man since then, his eBook is now part of course curriculum for nutrition students!  He hosted a Paleo Summit Conference earlier this year and now he’s put together the Real Food Summit 2012.

We had the honor of applying, and getting accepted to be one of the presenters for his latest project and we’re so excited to share it with you!!!

Announcing The Real Food Summit – 10 Days of Experts on Food, Health & Wellness – All Free of Charge!!!

This Online Conference is all about Real Food.

That means anyone interested in interested in healing, nourishing, and anti-inflammatory foods will want to check it out.  I sure hope if you’re reading this that you just raised your hand…right?  If so, here’s a couple examples of what you will learn:

  • “Defining Real Healthy Animals” are by Joel Salatin
  • “Why Eating Seafood is Important” by Chris Kresser
  • “What’s the deal with GMO foods” by Jeffery Smith
  • “Bountiful Benefits of Bone Broth” by Sarah Pope
  • “How and Why Fermented Foods Heal” by Jenny McGruther
  • “The Primitive Wisdom of Weston A Price” by Chris Materjohn
  • And “Real Food Diet Troubleshooting” by Jordan and Steve
  • Plus 20 More!!! Powerful presentations designed to help you feel, be and live amazingly.

There will be a wealth of experts sharing their knowledge for free.  Unless you live under a rock, you won’t want to miss this.

Here’s how the Real Food Summit works:

  • 3 presentations will be given each day
  • All 27 presentations will be given over 10 days from 7/8 – 7/16
  • Each presentation will be free online for 24 hours
  • You’ll be able to buy the whole Summit as a package, transcripts, video, audio, bonus coupons and books.  It’s a sweet package.

How does get any better than that? 

Sean will send you a bonus presentation by Joel Salatin on Real Food as soon as you sign up!  Not to mention there a bunch of other FREE bonuses for signing up.

Sign up here -> Free Real Food Summit

It gets even better… because in the day after each presentation Sean is hosting a live Q and A with the presenters.

Once you sign up you’ll get daily emails on who is presenting, who is doing Q and A and how you can get other free goodies!

You’re not going to want to miss the 27 free presentations of the Real Food Summit, including our presentation on common problems of real food diets!

These links are our presenter affiliate links, meaning that if you sign up for the free presentations and decide to buy the full summit, we’ll receive commissions.  If you want to support us feel free to sign up using them.  We appreciate you, our community and all you do for us!

Jordan and Steve

PS – Some of the experts presenting are our go-to sources on their respective topics.  We will be buying the Real Food Summit take home package for our resources and therefore think it’s a great investment for you too.

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