SCD Lifestyle on the Radio Waves

SCD Lifestyle on the Radio

“Are you willing to answer questions LIVE on a national radio show?”

Heck yeah!

The past few weeks have been a blast.  We’ve done a fancy presentation, live radio, and live Q and A.  How does it get any better than this?

TV would be cool 🙂

Anyways, in case you missed any of the fun new stuff we’ve been up to lately, here’s a roundup:

1.  Featured presenters on digestive troubleshooting during The Real Food Summit.  

If you missed it the Summit is no longer free but you will get over 30 presentations covering, GMOs, Raw Milk, Bone Broths, Sustainable Agriculture and much more for under $100.  If even one idea takes you to the next level of health it would be a cheap investment.   We haven’t even listened to all of them yet but I already feel like we got our money’s worth.

2.  Live Q&A with Sean Croxton and other RFS on Underground Wellness radio.

3.  Guest on Primal Health Modern Diet Radio with Beverly Meyer.

We talked about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet with Beverly who actually used the diet many years ago to help herself.  We shared tips for success and how to tweak it for maximum results…

Click here to listen to the 60-min replay –>

Here’s what we covered with Beverly:

  • How to properly start the diet for the best results
  • What is die-off and how to deal with it
  • Four SCD legal foods that commonly cause problems
  • The “4 day rule” for testing new foods
  • What should you do if SCD doesn’t seem to be working for you

4.  Attending the Ancestral Health Symposium, Boston MA.

We packed our SCD gear and headed to Boston to learn from the smartest people in the natural health community.  We’re attending the Ancestral Health Symposium and soaking up the latest knowledge on inflammation, digestive wellness, and living a long healthy life.   The presentations replays will be available in a few weeks on YouTube so stay tuned.

Until then, check out the replay links above and if you have any additional questions stop by Facebook and we’ll get right back to you.

Thank you for being such an incredible community and to the many of you that tuned in live with us.

We have so much gratitude to be able to support you on your journey,

– Jordan and Steve

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