This Hormone Stops Inflammation (Unless it’s Low)

Pic of Jordan explaining the inflammation hormone


There’s an inflammation epidemic going on… and there’s one root cause that can really help.

We’ve seen it in about 90% of our 1-on-1 private clients.

There’s a hormone that, when it’s at normal levels, can completely put the inflammation fire out.

And in today’s video, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about this hormone and the critical role it plays in your immune system.

If you’re someone with chronic inflammation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or Autoimmune Disease… this video could explain a lot about why your immune system isn’t working right.

I even share 6 test results and show you what’s been going on in detail.

Not only that, but I get really specific about what tests to order if you think this hormone is a problem for you.

(PLUS – don’t miss my extremely important warning about this hormone at minute 6:33.)

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – For more on this hormone, read this blog post.

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