5-Min Paleo Fish Fry

5-min Paleo Fish Fry

I’ve got two kids… so let’s be real. Many nights, those sexy dinner plates we often see on blogs are a fantasy. (Enter the 5-min Paleo fish fry.)

It’s not glamorous, but it gets the job done.

I’d like to share it with you so you can have it in your back pocket, you know for those nights you dream about grabbing a pizza on the way home.

NOTE: This recipe includes water chestnuts, which are a “grey zone” for SCD’ers. I definitely didn’t have them until 2 years into the diet. They aren’t for the newbies. For those interested, here’s what Elaine’s site had to say. If you can’t eat them, leave them out or swap in something else tasty.

How to Make 5-Min Paleo Fish Fry


  • 1 Can Wild-Caught Salmon
  • 1/2 Onion (chopped)
  • 1 Can Water Chestnuts
  • 1 Head Broccoli
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Cilantro
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • BONUS FLAVOR: Coconut Aminos


Start by sauteing the chopped onion in coconut oil and once they start to brown, add the salmon and mix it up.

In another pan, saute olive oil, broccoli, water chestnuts (for the advanced folks), garlic, and spices (basil, rosemary, cilantro).

Each pan will literally take about 5 minutes. For bonus flavor, finish off each pan with a few dashes of coconut aminos.

Enjoy 🙂

– Jordan

P.S. – What’s your favorite 5-min dish? Leave the recipe in the comments below.

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