Lazy Beef Stir Fry

Paleo GAPS SCD Lazy Beef Stir Fry

Paleo GAPS SCD Lazy Beef Stir Fry

A fast family dinner can easily taste better than a restaurant if you take a few minutes to marinate the meat before you cook it.

Try this beef stir fry recipe for an explosion of taste! I made this with ingredients I had laying around on a lazy Sunday and it was AMAZING.

Lazy Beef Stir Fry

  • 1 Lb Beef Steak
  • 1 Sweet Onion
  • 1 Yellow Pepper
  • 1/2 Lb Broccoli
  • 1 Fresh Lemon
  • Spices: Black Pepper, Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil

The Steak

Start by marinating the steak in black pepper, olive oil, and the juice of 1 lemon for at-least an hour. About 30-mins before you’re going to cook dinner leave it out at room temp… this has a HUGE impact on how tough it will be when you cook it.  If it’s still cold when you start cooking the outside of the meat will become very well done before the inside has even heated up. So, letting it warm up to room temp helps make sure you’ll cook it evenly.

The Stir Fry

Begin cooking by sauteing the onion, yellow pepper, and broccoli in some olive oil, black pepper, and sea salt. Here’s the trick: Pre-heat a different pan on medium heat with olive oil until it reaches temperature. Cut the marinated beef into stir fry strips and drop them in the pan. Cooking the veggies and the meat separately helps you get the steak strips perfect 🙂

Cook the strips for about 3 minutes, stir, another 3 minutes, and they should be done. Then, combine them with the veggies and serve!!!

NOTE: If you’re a beginner and still having gut symptoms, eliminate the onion and yellow pepper and replace them with something like carrots and butternut squash cubes… get creative with the foods that you can tolerate.  It’ll still taste amazing!

P.S. – Leave any cool modifications you try in the comments below. Experiment away!

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