Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 26 – Coconut Water is Mother Nature’s Gatorade!

Co-Founder of SCD Lifestyle Steve Wright has finally broken down and started his path to intestinal healing.  After many years of undiagnosed digestive warfare in his body, these series of weekly posts will take you through his experiences, thoughts, and struggles on the SCD diet.  Check back and follow his progress:

Week 26 Summary

Coconut is a really amazing fruit.  There are so many coconut products that are great to use in our natural diet from coconut water, coconut milks, coconut oils, and even the coconut meat.  Elaine recommends waiting 6 months before using coconut, but from what I’ve seen she was referring to the meat and milk portions of the coconut.  That means as soon as you read this you should go out and find some coconut oil and try and find some coconut water if you’re interested.  I really don’t think there is a better oil for cooking than coconut.  It stands up to heat much better than most oils and with natural anti-fungal characteristics it is perfect for people with digestive problems.

Coconut water is a naturally isotonic drink that is basically mother natures Gatorade.  It contains really high amounts of potassium and magnesium as well as full spectrum of other electrolytes.  I personally have started drinking coconut water after hard training sessions or whenever I’m feeling really dehydrated.  It tastes like slightly milky water and has a rather neutral taste to me.

While I’ve been using coconut oil for several months and the water for a week or two, last week was the first time that I tried coconut milk.  I made my normal SCD slop recipe but this time I left out all the tomatoes and added a whole can of coconut milk with plenty of cayenne pepper.  It turned the dish into a soupy Thai-like dish.  It was pretty good but I think I can do better.  In the future I’m going to continue playing with coconut milk and my goal is eat at least a can a week because of all of the amazing health properties.


I had my appointment with my doctor a few weeks ago to discuss my Genova Stool test results.  I’m just now updating everyone because it wasn’t until last week that I’ve actually gotten around to taking action based on the results of the test.

The test results were very enlightening and its weird to say, but some what disappointing.  What I found out is I

Harmful Yeast are a pain to get rid of!

actually have a very good amounts of beneficial bacteria (+4 out of 4 for most), however I also have some Candida albicans.  I did find out that I’m also having a slight problem digesting fats but nothing significant.  So why were these test results disappointing?  Simply because I’m never going to get my scapegoat diagnosis.  I will never be able to totally claim Celiac disease, H. Pylori, or extreme Candida.

People who have those diagnoses are probably appalled that I have some weird want to have a their problems.  They are probably right, as I get better and better, people are noticing my improved quality of life they are starting to care less about what a “doctor” says I have.  I find it strangely interesting how I should have been extremely thankful (I AM) when the doctor told me nothing was wrong but I had this big emotional let down when nothing clinically showed up.  Going forward I think I’ll stick with gut dysbiosis (sounds better than IBS to me).

That was a little tangent but back to the results of the test, based on having the +1 for Candida (out of 0-4) the doctor wanted me to start a round of an anti-yeast drug called Sporanox.  He also told me I could go at naturally with S. Boulardii but recommended at least a month of the prescription drug.  After doing my due diligence on Sporanox I’ve decided I want to give it a go naturally with diet and some helpers.  If you remember, I’ve already done a stack of undecylenic acid with berberine and while I’m sure that helped it obviously didn’t get everything.  This time I’m going to come at the yeast with a triple stack that I think is going to be more potent.  I’m going to try a stack of S. Boulardii, oregano oil and coconut oil.

Has anyone else beat their Candida by using diet and natural remedies?

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