30 Experts Share Small Changes to Rescue Your Health


We hope by now you’ve watched the groundbreaking new film, Origins, featuring 24 of the brightest minds in human and environmental health who revealed the real reason we’re struggling with chronic illness – and how we can reclaim the health and vitality that once came to us naturally.

(HINT: gut health is FINALLY featured as the critical step.)

If you missed it, you have until Saturday, November 22nd to watch it for free.

Access the Full-Length Origins Film at Absolutely No Charge Here.

If you’re anything like me…

Hopefully you’ve been sending this to your family and friends. I’m so grateful that gut health is finally making it into the mainstream, so now I can send the people I care about to something like this instead of talking till I’m blue in the face at holiday parties 🙂

My friend, Pedram Shojai, OMD, is the guy who made this movie and convened these world-class experts after he ran a large medical practice where he treated the same lifestyle-induced ailments again and again.

Four years and nearly $1 million later, he and the foremost authorities in human and environmental health bring you this vital message to inspire and empower you to take back your health.

What I love about Pedram is he didn’t just want to make a movie… he wanted to make sure everyone who watched the movie had specific actions steps to improve their health.

In fact, all the experts featured in the film (and even more!) have made hands-on, how-to videos to make it SIMPLE for you to make small but significant changes that will liberate you and your family from this health trap AND have an immediate and dramatic effect on the vitality of our planet.

I’m one of the experts as well, sharing my thoughts and action steps about Leaky Gut.

This collection of videos that make up the Origins Summit will be available starting Sunday, November 23rd – at absolutely no cost. And you can be among the first to access them.

Fast-Track Your Way to Better Health, Energy and Vitality by Registering Here.

Some of my favorite actionable talks help to:

  • Clear the toxins from your body and home – to protect yourself and your family from harmful off-gassing, poisons and other unhealthy additives in our furniture, food, personal care products, cleaners and more.
  • Feel better, think more clearly and have a whole lot more energy – without the use of drugs, chemicals or artificial stimulants.
  • Become a savvy, conscious consumer – with easy shopping strategies to put you back in control of your wellbeing (and your wallet!)
  • Thrive in our modern, technology-driven world – without sacrificing your health or the health of our planet.

There’s been a TON of Summits lately and frankly I’m pretty burned out on them myself… but I was happy to contribute to the Origins Summit because it was something fresh… a full-length feature film that comes with simple-to-execute tips on everything from greening up your home to urban gardening to hormone balancing to beating food allergies from the world’s leading authorities in human and environmental health.

Get All The Details About the Origins Summit and Register Here at No Charge.

The 5-day, Online Origins Summit starts (for FREE) on Sunday, November 23rd.

Please share this with loved ones that you think might benefit from understanding what a HUGE role the gut plays in their overall health. They may not listen to you or me, but they may listen to this full-length feature film and the Summit with 30 experts sharing simple tips they can use to rescue their health.

– Jordan

P.S. Here’s what the experts are saying about this:

“The Origins Summit reveals what the food industry and chemical companies don’t want you to know – that it’s not too hard, expensive or inconvenient to eat and live in ways that support your long-term health and the long-term health of our planet. Those are lies.”

—Mark Hyman, M.D.,

Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, 8-time NY Times Bestselling Author and Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine

“So many people are either unaware of the mounting damage to our health from the destruction of the environment or feel guilty that they aren’t doing better. Origins shines a much-needed spotlight on the root cause of our health crisis and, most importantly, empowers us with simple ways we can make a real difference. Bravo!”

—Sara Gottfried, M.D.,

Harvard-Trained Physician and NY Times Bestselling Author of The Hormone Cure

Remember: The Origins Summit Starts Sunday, November 23rd. Register Now So You Don’t Miss A Thing.

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