Dessert: Banana “Un-Oreos”

Close-up of Banana Carob "Un-oreos"

 Close-up of Banana Carob "Un-oreos"

Before we get to the yummy dessert in front of us… I need to tell you this is not “SCD Legal” due to the Carob Powder. If you’re on a Paleo type diet or you’ve already healed quite a bit, this recipe is for you.  If not, please don’t ignore the recipe.  Instead, think about something you do tolerate that can go in its place 🙂

With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s party!  (My kids are going to love this one from our friend Angela.)

[Enter Angela]

I think that you’ll love this cute and easy dessert that is nut-free and chocolate-free. It is really simple to make, too!


  • One or Two Bananas (chilled in the fridge)
  • One Can of Coconut Cream (this is not coconut milk but the thick, solid cream of the coconut)
  • 1/2 Cup of Coconut Oil (melted)
  • 1/2 Cup of Carob Powder
  • Optional: 1/4 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract or Cinnamon

Note:  You can also substitute cocoa powder for carob but make sure to sweeten the mixture with raw honey or maple syrup to taste. 


  • Mix the melted coconut oil with the carob powder and mix until the lumps are gone. Add cinnamon and/or vanilla if you like those flavors.
  • Take the bananas out of the fridge, peel and slice into rounds.
  • Use a toothpick or two to dip the banana into the warm coconut oil.  If that’s too hard and time consuming, try this easier method.  Spread the banana slices on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and pour the carob mixture over it.  Use a measuring cup with a pouring spout for easier pouring.
  • Let it sit for a bit, then turn over and pour the rest of the mixture on the other half of the banana slices.
  • Put the cookie sheet in the fridge to cool for half an hour.  If you want to eat them faster, put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • When they’ve hardened, spread a little bit of coconut cream on one banana slice and sandwich another one on top of it. If you can’t find coconut cream, sometimes the cream and liquid separate in a can of coconut milk. You can use the creamy solids to fill these cute little sandwiches.

What I really love about this snack is how fun it is to make and that it requires no added sugar because the carob is naturally sweet!

[Enter Jordan]

For those wondering how many calories are in each “Un-Oreo” (and other nutrition data), here are numbers based on a batch of two dozen (using two medium-sized bananas).  Each “Un-Oreo” is 68 calories and has 4.5 Carbs (G), 0.375 Protein (G), and 6.2 Fat (G).

Thank you again Angela!

Enjoy 🙂

– Jordan

Angela Privin is from and emigrated to the U.S. from Ukraine at the age of 5.  She speaks Russian, Spanish, English and Gibberish fluently.  She is a former journalist in New York City and battled IBS for years before evolving into a blogger/health consultant.  In her early 20s, she got Lyme Disease and was treated with massive doses of antibiotics and NOT followed up with probiotics.  She believes this is what created the bacterial imbalance in her gut that set the stage for IBS.  She loves to cook, but she can’t follow recipes.  You’ll see that she makes up her own as she goes.

Here’s her amazing recipe site:

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