Thai Fish Cakes (With Green Beans and Homemade Spicy Mayo)

Thai Fish Cakes

Thai Fish Cakes

If you’re familiar with any of our her other recipes (like this one), then you’ll know that Angela (from likes to create new and exciting dishes.  Well, she’s back at it and has come up with yet another unique one this time around.  The cool thing about it is the choice for the main ingredient (fish) is totally up to you.  As long as it’s boneless, you’re good to go.

So, let your creative juices flow and play around with the versatility of this fun and delicious recipe.  If you can tolerate them, you can really spice the cakes up with some freshly chopped peppers.

REMEMBER: If you don’t tolerate certain ingredients, such as the spices, or haven’t graduated to be able to eat sweet potatoes yet, please don’t let that deter you.  We always encourage you to create your custom diet… and so we know that publishing any recipe won’t work for everyone.  Take this as a blueprint and create your own custom version of it with spices and other ingredients you can tolerate.

[Enter Angela]

These fish cakes are simply divine!  Have fun mixing these up in the kitchen.

Ingredients For Fish Cakes:

  • 12 Oz. of Any Type of Boneless Fish
  • 2 Tbsp. of Chopped Cilantro
  • 2 Tbsp. of Arrowroot Starch or Coconut Flour
  • 1/4 Cup of Mashed Sweet Potato
  • 3 Tbsp. of Thai Curry Paste (I use Thai Kitchen Red Curry)
  • 2 Cloves of Chopped Garlic
  • 1/4 of a Lime (juiced)
  • 2 Tbsp. of Green Beans or Carrots, diced or shredded
  • 2 Eggs

Optional: 1/2 Chopped Serrano or Jalapeno Pepper (if you like it spicy) and/or 1 Tsp. of Fish Sauce for Extra Thai Flavor (I use Paleo-friendly Red Boat brand).  Don’t want to use either, 1 Tsp. of salt will help.

Directions For Fish Cakes:

  • Cut raw fish into chunks and throw into high-speed blender or food processor.  Process till fish turns into a paste.
  • Mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and add to the fish in the food processor.  Process until all ingredients are mixed well.
  • Put in the fridge for at least half an hour for dough to firm up.
  • Form dough into patties with your hand and put on a parchment paper lined pan to bake.  Keep wetting your hand if the dough gets too sticky.
  • Bake for 35 minutes in an oven preheated to 350 degrees.
  • You can also fry these in coconut oil if you choose, but I prefer baking them because it’s less labor intensive and they come out less oily.  (They taste great either way.)
  • Garnish with cilantro leaves and dip into homemade mayo or Greek yogurt with garlic.

How to Make Homemade Mayo:

  • 1 Egg Yolk
  • 1 Tsp. of Dijon Mustard
  • 1 Tbsp. of Lemon Juice
  • 1 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 3/4 Cups of Oil (I use a mix of olive and avocado oil)
  • 1 Pinch of Salt or 1/4 Tsp. of Fish Sauce (Red Boat brand is best)

Optional: You can also flavor it with smoked paprika and garlic powder! 

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.  (An immersion blender works great if you have one.)

How to Make Greek Yogurt Dipping Sauce (for those who can tolerate dairy):

  • 4 Oz. (1/2 Cup) Greek Yogurt
  • 1/2 Tsp. of Mustard
  • 1/2 Tsp. of Lemon or Lime Juice
  • 1/2 Tsp. of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Pinch of Salt or Fish Sauce
  • Garlic or Paprika

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

[Enter Steve]

In case you’re wondering about the calories and other nutrition data, here are the numbers for the fish cakes based on using 12 oz. of salmon.  There are a total of ~890 calories and 36 Carbs (G), 90 Protein (G), and 39 Fat (G).

Thanks for this great recipe Angela!

Hope you enjoy =)


P.S. – Angela Privin is from and emigrated to the U.S. from Ukraine at the age of 5. She speaks Russian, Spanish, English and Gibberish fluently. She is a former journalist in New York City and battled IBS for years before evolving into a blogger/health consultant. In her early 20s, she got Lyme Disease and was treated with massive doses of antibiotics and NOT followed up with probiotics. She believes this is what created the bacterial imbalance in her gut that set the stage for IBS. She loves to cook, but she can’t follow recipes. You’ll see that she makes up her own as she goes.

Here’s her amazing recipe site:

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