We’re revising our book. Will you do us a favor?

Yes, we’re obsessed engineers…

And as usual, we couldn’t let it go.

We’ve learned so much from you over the past three years that it’s time for change.

It’s time for our book to grow, it must be expanded and also come in paperback. (Don’t worry, if you’ve already got it we’ll email you a free copy of the updated version)

We’re buried behind our laptops writing like crazy… but we wanted to step back for a minute and ask you a favor… we need your input for a very special part of our book written by you.

Will you share one specific thing SCD Lifestyle (or SCD in general) has helped you with?

This can be anything: stopping your symptoms, figuring out your custom diet, saving your colon, helping a family member or maybe it has nothing to do at all with health.

We wouldn’t be surprised. SCD Lifestyle isn’t really about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It’s really about making changes that help you take control of your health. It’s been an awesome trip together, thru the ups and downs of health, to evolving our message into what it is today.

The reason we work hard on the site is to create an engineering test lab: to help you feel better than you have in weeks – rather than years. To show you that you’re not powerless in this area of your life, there are steps you can take, because everyone deserves to feel amazing.

You deserve a symptom-free life 🙂

To Do: leave a comment on this post

The more specific and detailed the better…

Tell us your story. Share how SCD Lifestyle helped you stop feeling so bad, got you off drugs, reduced your stress, whatever it is. Provide specific, concrete changes you’ve experienced and what it meant to you.

Sharing your story today might be the one thing that convinces someone else to give this diet a chance… and change their lives forever. And that is exactly what we want to put in our book.

It would mean the world to us and help our book finish strong.

Thank you for being amazing and going on this journey with us these past three years!

– Jordan and Steve

(We won’t print anything without your permission)

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