Healthy Gut

How to improve your digestive health using natural and alternative treatments

5 Real Food Weight Gain Shakes (Paleo & SCD)

How do I get more calories? Is a very common question on this site. Eating more meat and more fat containing foods high in calories is the first step. The second easy change to make is to eat more meals each day. Start eating 4,5 or 6 meals if you are already eating 3. And yes, it’s likely you’ll eat the same meal several times each day. But the point is calories and gaining weight.

7 Keys for Fast And Holistic Fat Loss!

You know that popular insanity quote by Einstein? It goes like this “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results“

Recently, on Facebook I asked if anyone was interested in losing some fat. And you’ll see in the comments that I raised my hand. I think it’s time for me to break my insanity cycle and hopefully help a few others in the process. I want you join me for the ride over the next 90 days. Let’s help each other lose a few pant sizes.