What to Eat for Breakfast on SCD (That’s Dairy- and Egg-Free)

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day on SCD.

I can’t wait to jump out of bed every morning and fry up my Turkey Breakfast Sausage in coconut oil.

The best part?

It’s dairy- and egg-free for those of us that can’t do either.

I’ve been getting emails from people wanting to know more about it, so without further ado:

My Turkey Sausage Recipe

  • 4 Lbs. of Ground Turkey
  • 3 tsp. Sea Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Water
  • 2 Pinches of Thyme
  • 2 Pinches of Black Pepper

I roll the 4 lbs. of ground turkey into a long tube on foil on a pan. Then, I add the water, salt, and spice. The important thing is to knead everything into the meat and then make it into a perfect log. Next, wrap the foil around the log and poke holes throughout. Bake it at 300° F for about 2 hours and check the temperature. Cut up into patties and freeze them for a great breakfast treat. This makes around a dozen 6 oz patties.

Here’s a Video Explaining How I Make It:

Now It’s Your Turn…

1) Make a batch of your own Turkey Breakfast Sausage

2) Leave a comment below telling me how it went and your cool ideas to make it better


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