Medicine Is Changing… This Is the Future of Health


You and I both know, medicine is changing… for the better, if you ask me.

The future is bright!

Marc David and Emily Rosen are some of the most talented and caring people I’m friends with in the health industry. And when they put their focus on something, they absolutely nail it.

On June 22nd, they kick off their No-Cost Future of Healing Virtual Conference, where you can listen to me and 70+ other experts speaking on a host of topics that pertain to creating amazing health and great lives.

WAIT! This Isn’t Just ANOTHER Summit!

I know what you’re thinking, another summit, dude stop it already.

I feel the same way. It seems like there’s a summit on a different topic coming out every single week.

Which is why you haven’t seen us in many this year. We’ve become very picky in who we do interviews with and what we tell you about. We don’t want you suffering from information overload.

What Marc and Emily have put together is WORLD-CLASS, which is why I participated in it and I’m actually excited to tell you about it.

What This Is All About…

For a medical revolution, we need progress in so many areas.

  • Nutrition
  • The Psychology of Eating
  • Functional Medicine
  • Cultural Transformation
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Sexuality, Supplements Herbs & Medicinals
  • Planetary Health
  • Our Global Future
  • And much more…

This free summit has multiple speakers in all these areas. And I believe it really has several talks that will expand your reality of what is possible.

And that’s the goal, can we increase what’s possible in medicine and on this planet?

If you’re at all interested in thought-provoking material, some of it you’ll love, some you’ll hate, and some of it might make you cry.

I hope you get signed up. Do it here.

Who I’m Going To Be Watching

In case you’re wondering, I’m planning to check out a few of the presenters. There’s some really really smart people speaking – people who are on the cutting edge of what’s working and what’s not to get better.

  • Dr. Kelly Brogan
  • Dr. Izabella Wentz
  • Nick Polizzi
  • John Gray
  • Dr. Jeffrey Bland

And of course there’s so many others like our friends, Dr. Pedram Shojai, Dr. Sara Gottfried and Dr. Tom O’ Bryan. To be honest with you (no disrespect to my friends — love you guys), but I’m looking forward to the 5 talks above the most.

Some of you might wonder, how is it possible for you to consume so much info?

I do it while I live my life. It’s actually really easy with all our technology today to always be consuming new mind-expanding information. For instance, I listen to educational info like this anytime I’m driving, when I do dishes, when I go for walks, when I’m stuck in waiting rooms, and many times while I’m shopping at the grocery store.

Oh – and in my talk, Marc and I talked about food, cravings and how men often suffer with eating problems. You probably haven’t heard me talk about my food relationship much, but I got pretty vulnerable in this one.

Sign up for free here, starts TODAY.

Have a great day!

– Steve

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