Should Your Dog Take Probiotics Too?


That’s a picture of my two dogs, Brea and Gracie. They’re both around 9 years old in this picture. When it was taken, you could tell they felt their age. Brea limped around with bad arthritis in her hips and Gracie had mini seizures a few times a week. It was tough watching my babies get old…

Back then, I thought I did the best I could to care for them – plenty of exercise and play, and of course I always fed them the best food I could find.

But I’m embarrassed to tell you this… it wasn’t until I met Rob Hendrickson from FullBucket that I ever thought about giving my dogs probiotics. I know, it’s crazy right?! All the research I’ve read over the years about probiotics and how important they are for HUMANS… yet I never once thought about giving them to my dogs.

I know from my own research that the health of humans is directly related to health of your gut. I’ve been taking probiotics and other supplements and optimizing my health through my diet since Brea and Gracie were puppies. Eating a customized diet for my body and using the right supplements has totally changed my health for the better.

And now that I’ve looked into it more, it turns out dogs’ health is pretty much just like us humans. In fact, recent research has revealed that 70 – 80% of all canine disease starts somewhere in the GI tract and veterinarians are also dealing with pets that have GI disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, chronic constipation, diarrhea, stress gut, complications from high-protein feeds, and many more gut related issues.

(I know, I’m still not sure why it took me so long to connect the dots on this…)

Fortunately, I met Rob and he gave me some samples of FullBucket’s Dog Probiotic. I was amazed at how much it helped the pain in Brea’s hips and reduced Gracie’s seizures…

Since then, I’ve used FullBucket’s Daily Dog Powder probiotic with my own dogs and recommended it to everyone I know who has pets.

I’m dedicated to sharing the products I use and love with our community, but with this one I was hesitant… I mean, how many people have dogs?

(It turns out 70-80 million people have dogs in the U.S. alone.)

And if you’re a cat person?

It turns out cats can benefit from probiotics, as well.

FullBucket’s Daily Dog and Daily Cat powder each contains 3 important supplements:

  • Probiotics (to ward off pathogens)
  • Prebiotics (to feed the healthy flora in your pet’s gut)
  • Digestive enzymes (to help them break down and digest their food more completely)

Together, these 3 components translate into real-life results like:

  • Fewer bouts of diarrhea and constipation
  • Pets that smell better (without constant bathing)
  • Decreased likelihood of sickness and infection
  • Shiny coats and breath that doesn’t stink
  • Less bloating and dog farts
  • Improved digestion leading to smaller stools (less scooping!)

One jar of their Daily Dog or Daily Cat powder contains a 30-day supply for your pet dog and, from what I’ve seen with Brea and Gracie, it can really help their gut health similarly to how it helps your own.

If you love your pet as much as I love mine and want them to live a long and healthy life, I encourage you to try out FullBucket’s Daily Powders with your own cat or dog for at least a month.

More than anything, I’m happy to share this with you in case you were like me and didn’t think about how important probiotics could be for the health of your pets.

Not only that, but I really believe in Rob’s company. FullBucket has an awesome “crusade,” where for every FullBucket product you buy, they give one to an animal in need.

If you’d like to find out more about the FullBucket Pet Probiotics, click here.

What do you do to keep your pet healthy? I’m always looking for tips from the community – please share in the comments!

– Jordan

P.S. – Rob sent us this testimonial video over the weekend and I just had to share it with you, it’s adorable!

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