SCD Frittata (easy and quick)


When life gives you lemons make lemonade… right?  Well how about an SCD frittata.

I tried to help save the environment by only taking one paper bag at the grocery checkout (forgot my re-useable ones).  When the bag guy handed it to me, I got a bad feeling in my stomach – it was super heavy.

I returned home, and as soon as I got out of my car, a dozen pasture-raised eggs smashed on the concrete as the bag broke.

Broken eggs

Bummer right? Well, when life hands you a problem like a digestive issue, or cracked eggs, you are faced with two choices – do nothing, or take action. As I stood there gazing down at a bunch of cracked eggs I racked my brain for an answer…why not a frittata?!

If you don’t know what a frittata is it’s basically a crustless quiche, which is perfect for SCD.  You can add any type of meat, vegetables or spices you like.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have any leftovers so I had to improvise fast.

I like quick easy recipes and cooking in bulk, and this frittata recipe fulfills both! By following the steps below you’ll have enough food for at least 3 meals.

Frittata Ingredients:

  • 16 Eggs (motto in my kitchen – go big or go home!)
  • Sea Salt and Pepper to Taste
  • 4 Gouda Cheese Slices
  • 16oz Bag of Organic Frozen Broccoli

Directions for Deliciousness

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.

Place frozen broccoli in a microwaveable bowl with water and microwave for 8-10 minutes.  (If you’re using left over ingredients, like some extra meat and vegetables, then skip this step.)

Add Veggies!

Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and get them good and mixed up.

Then, pre-heat an oven safe pan on medium-low heat.  After it’s hot, add a high quality cooking fat like ghee.  Next, dump your broccoli and eggs into the pan.  Cook for 4 minutes on the stove top, then transfer to the oven.

Spice it up time

After 5 minutes of oven time remove the pan.  The mixture should be setting up and it’s time to place your cheese on top.

Getting Cheesey

Then, cook for another 7-10 minutes untill it’s raised up and starting to brown on top.

Eat and Enjoy Frittata

Now your frittata is finished and ready to eat (enjoy hot or cold the next day, too)!

I’d love to hear how your recipes turned out.  What are your favorite frittata ingredients?


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