Citrus Chicken Salad

Paleo SCD GAPS Citrus Chicken Salad

Paleo SCD GAPS Citrus Chicken Salad

I love citrus flavor when it’s blended with white meats like chicken… and this salad is awesome!

Plus, you can make it in under 20 mins…

Citrus Chicken Salad

  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Fresh Baby Spinach
  • 1-2 lbs. Organic Chicken Breast
  • 2 Fresh Oranges
  • 2 Fresh Lemons
  • Olive Oil
  • Sea Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Raw Organic Almonds
  • 1-2 Celery Stalks

The Chicken

Start by cutting the chicken breast into small chunks and marinating it in black pepper and the juice of 1 lemon for 1-2 hours. Pre-heat a pan on low-medium heat with olive oil, until it warms up. Drop in the chicken breast chunks and sauté.

The Salad

While the chicken is cooking, toss a salad with romaine lettuce, fresh spinach, and sliced celery. In a separate bowl, mix the juice of 1 orange, the juice of 1 lemon, 1/2 cup olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper. Also, peel and cut the remaining orange to serve on top. Once the chicken is done, place the salad on a dish with the cut orange slices on top. Then, garnish the salad with chicken and pour the dressing on top. Salt to taste with sea salt. For those who can tolerate them, top with a few Almonds for added crunch.

Note: If you’re just starting out and still having gut issues, try this  recipe using spaghetti squash instead of lettuce and only use the juice from the orange instead of the whole orange. Also, skip the almonds and cook the celery for better digestion 🙂

P.S. – Leave any cool modifications you make to this recipe in the comments below. Experiment away!

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