Leaky Gut Takeover: Week 1 Recap

The Secret Illness

The Secret Illness

Leaky Gut Takeover Week 1 is almost up.  Last night, we had a blast with over 3,800 people on the webinar!

If you missed out don’t worry we are going to do another one this coming Tuesday, May 13th at 6:00pm Pacific / 9:00pm Eastern.  You have to click here and register to attend (or receive a link for the recording).

Last night we did 1 hour of live Q&A.  Next time we just might go longer because so many people attended.

The Best New Leaky Gut Articles

The most advanced guide to leaky gut is (and how it actually works at a cellular level) can now be found at our new Solvingleakygut.com site.

Years ago, Robb Wolf was already telling people that leaky gut was an issue. Now with some clever searching you can find that intestinal permeability is tied to almost every chronic disease.  Check out this viral post that Jordan did called “How to Keep Your Poop Where it Belongs.”

If you read both of those posts, maybe twice, you’ll know as much or more than most doctors on how leaky gut happens.

Learn About Leaky Gut Through Audio

If reading isn’t your thing, I get it.  I like talking a whole lot more than writing, which is why I jumped at the chance to do some recent interviews about gut health.

I was on Dr. Lo Radio earlier this week and we covered lots of things including:

  • Could a leaky gut actually make you absorb more nutrients?
  • What are the pluses and minuses of intestinal permeability testing?
  • And what diets are best for healing a leaky gut?

You can listen to the recording here.

I also did a short podcast with my buddy Jonathon Bailor about poop and digestive bloating.  Of course we talked a bit about leaky gut as well.  Listen here.

Dr. Michael Ruscio, who I interviewed for a leaky gut master class on GI infections, invited me on Jimmy Moore’s LLVLC show.  We went super deep on resistant starch, GI infections and he gave some awesome advice to those struggling with gastroparesis.  Listen to the show here.

We’v got a couple more podcasts lined up for the next few weeks.  Do you listen to any shows you’d like to hear us on?

Like Pictures? Check Out This Secret Illness…

No, that’s not a zombie at the top; it’s what really sick people look like.  And it’s easily what can happen when your hormones are depleted by leaky gut.  See, we’re trying to get the message out to the mainstream.

What do you think of our new infographic?  View it here: http://solvingleakygut.com/secret-illness-epidemic/

It’s been an intense week for us and we really hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have.

Stay tuned, because we’ve got some more awesome stuff headed your way next week!

– Steve

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