Summer Romance Tonight

Summer love is in the air.

Anniversaries, 1st dates and proposals…

You get out of the car, at the nicest restaurant in town.

The lights are low, the table cloth is white – what a special night.

His eyes don’t leave you, you look stunning tonight. Everyone is smiling as you ease into enjoying a great meal.

And that’s when it gets downright scary.

The eating part. Will the rest of the night’s activities be ruined because you’re stuck in the bathroom?

Will you choose the right item off the menu? Is it legal for you to eat? Are they going to prepare it properly?

The anxiety and stress alone can be overwhelming and hurt your stomach.

Don’t let a simple decision ruin your night.

We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know here: Travel Anywhere, Eat Out, and Have a Confident Social Life on SCD, GAPS, or Paleo.

We’ve been in this situation. Obviously a bit reversed… but being the men, who’ve done the research for our special nights. Which restaurants are okay? We talked to the managers, asked the tough questions, made mistakes…

As men, it’ our job to make sure the night goes smoothly. And if our heads are clouded with gas and stomach pains there’s no way we are going to create a romantic night for the women in our lives.

So, whether you make the plans or choose the meal, don’t make the same mistakes we did.

Keep your head and heart in the game by using these shortcuts -> Get play by play rules for success.

Have a great summer night!

– Steve

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