Is it OK to Work Out When You’re Sick?


Should you be working out right now?

What if you’re doing all the wrong things to get better, and going to the gym is making you worse?

This Video Was Inspired by Two Things:

1) I was about to go to the gym…

2) I just had another very very sick 1-on-1 private client who was training for a marathon…. for charity no less.

Also, in this video I share what to do, and not to do, when it comes to working out when your’e sick.

One of these things will make you even sicker… possibly triggering a flare.

Another will help you get better, slowly, and help you avoid the ‘inflammation trap’ I see so many people falling into.

In good health,


P.S. – Let me know your experience in the gym in the comments section below.

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