Use Your Pain as Your Power


You’re not alone.

I’ve been down the same road.

You’re going through pain.

I’ve felt your pain.

I’ve felt as sick as you have…

But those who are willing to use their pain as their power will find out what it’s like to reclaim their health.

You can go so much further than you think.

I challenge you to give it everything you’ve got, to use your pain as your power, and to never give up.

… you think I thought I would ever get healthy?

… you think I thought I would help other people do I what I did?

… you think I thought I’d be climbing mountains someday?

… you think I thought I would go this far? Be this healthy? As somebody that was having diarrhea 10X a day and writing my will?

No… but I said,

“I want to see how healthy I can get.  I want to see what my life can look like when I’m not sick. I want to see what I can do. I want to see what would happen if I choose health every single day… I gotta use my pain as my power.”

And here I am… filming this video on the top of a mountain after climbing 2,000 feet and enjoying the sunset almost 10,000 feet above the earth. There’s not another human in sight and not a single sound other than the wind whispering in my ear.

See, it’s about using your pain… to help you choose health and to keep you going when you want to give up. In those moments, go deep, deep down beyond what you thought was possible.

When all you want to do is give up, you have to take one more step. The next step is to choose health one more time. Then again… and then again.

Use your pain. Your pain will give you the power to take control of your health and to reach levels of health you know you deserve.

I’m finally where I wanted to be, but I had to go through pain to get there. Don’t give up…

In this video, join me on a mountain top to reclaim your health, to use your pain as your power, and to never give up…

Because you’re amazing. I care deeply about you and I know you can do this!

In good heath,

– Jordan

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