The Healing Power of Nature

boulder hike


Nature does it to me every time…

No matter how much crap is going on in my life, or how sick I am, nature always heals.

This picture is the view from Green Mountain Peak near Boulder, Colorado.

Within minutes of reaching the top, Nature did it again.  My body instantly went quiet and I could breathe deep.  I felt grounded.  I felt peace.  I felt… healed.  What a gift!

It’s not something I can put into words, but if you’ve experienced it you know what Nature can do, anytime, anywhere.

That’s why I’m here visiting Steve in Boulder this week.

1) To spend time in Nature relaxing and healing (we nearly fell apart finishing our new leaky gut project).


2) To re-focus on new ways to support you.

Here’s The Biggest Thing on Our Minds This Week

We’re still sorting through 60+ applications to hand-pick two new Licensed Functional Medicine Practitioners to join our consulting practice… meanwhile the new client waiting list has grown to almost 300 people.

This is unacceptable for us…

When we shut down our consulting practice earlier this year, we shared why we do what we do.  Everything you see at SCD Lifestyle is what we would have wanted 7 years ago when we were sick and it’s unacceptable for us that people are asking for help and can’t get it right now.  The new practitioners will be joining our practice very soon and we’ll notify the waiting list ASAP, but that doesn’t help you right now.

Until we get this all straightened out, we’d like to host a new 2.5 hour live call to support you with exactly what you’re stuck on right now.  It’s what we would have wanted 7 years ago.

We want this call to answer your #1 burning question.  What’s the one thing that could create a breakthrough in your health?

Do you need Gut Infection Protocols that actually work?  Do you need help with adrenal supplements?  Advice on how to blend SCD and Low FODMAP?

What’s the first thing you’d ask for help with during a 1-on-1 call?


Please take 2 minutes to tell us here:

We’ll use your responses and create a new 2.5-hour live call to support you.

Then stay close to your email next week for the call invitation and details.  It will most likely contain specific protocols and action steps we cover 1-on-1 with people (and certainly be priced less than $50).

You are the fuel that keeps us going.  Thank you for being part of this community.  We’re so grateful to support you.

– Jordan

P.S. – We’re creating a new 2.5-hour live teleclass for you, please tell us what you need help with here (only takes 2 mins):

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