Comments on: Is the Gluten-Free Fad Dangerous? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:12:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Veronica Bakker.

Thanks so much for sharing Veronica! It is great to hear from someone who has had so much success. Even on the hard days, I don’t miss my old diet or lifestyle either. Onward and upwards 🙂

If you’d like to share more about your diet and lifestyle changes, you can email us at

By: Veronica Bakker Completely agree with what you are saying there. I have never bought into that particular food industry, and just accepted I would have to make everything from scratch, making muffins from alternative flours like buckwheat, cornmeal, quinoa, chickpea flour, tapioca and brown rice flour, a good healthy mixture of different “flours”. Forget about bread. Of course vegetables and meat or fish are fine, but all prepared from a raw state. I never buy any processed foods, apart from Tamari sauce.
It is a bit of hard slog, having to make it all yourself, but you get used to it. I feel wonderful on this diet, and it has made all the difference for me. The whole digestive system works fine now. And I don’t miss my former diet at all.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna Pioli.

Hi Donna, it is all about healing the body and reversing the disease. We suggest reading about how you can do this here:

By: Donna Pioli I was dx. With Celiac Disease around 1997, it was hard to find gluten-free food.
Mostly you could find bread that tasted like cardboard, rice crackers, a few types
Of cookies. None was in Restaurants! Oh, you could “do your own” by ordering
Plain food, meat, potatoes and vegs. Or eat a salad.
Fast forward to 2015! Tons of products that prices that have steadily risen day by day!
And yes, lots of Gluten-free foods in restaurants.
I just bought a medium size bag of pretzels for,$7.95. Crazy, huh?
I’m wondering how you have been able to eaten gluten again?
