Comments on: #Inspiration: 5 Videos to Keep You Going Another Day Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:03:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Glorie.

Sounds like your covering all your bases, Glorie! Nice work:) Keep us updated!

By: Glorie In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori!
Thank you! And yes I am currently working with a functional medicine doctor who found that I had very inflamed intestines and has put me on berberine along with several other suppliments for low iron, low vitamin D and some for stress as well. My endochrinologist has me on thyroid medication and progesterone for hashimotos and low progesterone. I am having thyroid levels drawn again this coming week. I am following the AIP diet very strictly yet my fibromyalgia pain and general pain and fatigue are still enough to knock me down most of the day. I’m hoping that perhaps my thyroid panel will show that an adjustment in thyroid meds may help.
I am two and half months in to treatment with my functional medicine specialist and he sees me weekly to evealuate where I am at and tty different things. Currently we are trying ashwaganda and serotone. Insomnia is terrible as my cortisol levels are extremely high so we are trying to work on that as well. So far we used melatonin and that didnt work so we tried gabacore and that hasn’t helped yet either. I go on Monday to see what else he can do for sleep.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Glorie.

HI Glorie – I’m really sorry you’ve been suffering for so long. Have you had any hormone or gut infection testing done? WE’d recommend this route if diet adn supplements have not helped. The tests we recommend can be found here: : Here is an article on stool testing for you as well:

By: Faisal My constant cravings for caffeine and sugar ruined my hardwork. I should tattoo Jordan and Steve’s name on my forehead.

By: Glorie There was definatley some miraculous intervention here tonight. I am so depressed tonight because 2 and a half months in to the diet, I feel worse than I did when I started. My weight is doing better but I am so fatigued and so achy and missing so much with my kids and husband. I have been sick for most of my life and at age 38 I am praying that the remainder of my life will feel much better than the first 38. I was so depressed and angry tonight just thinking about how much I have missed out on already and how much more I will miss out on if I do not suceed. How my children have been affected by having a chronically ill mother. How my husband has been so supportive so consistently and still cheers me in when I am in tears and yelling that I don’t want to feel sick anymore.
I was sitting here watching videos on wieght loss and wishing that my only issue was weight when I saw a notification for the email that led me here. I NEEDED THIS RIGHT NOW. Thank you for your words of encouragment. Thank you so so much

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Heather.

Thanks so much Heather!!

Have you checked out Steve and Jordan’s site just for practitioners like you??

By: Heather Very inspirational! Thank you both so much for all you do! You are helping and blessing so many lives! I truly have a passion for the functional medicine approach and I know that I’m eventually meant to work in this area but I’m still figuring out how to make this happen with my current physical therapy degree. My current focus is on optimizing the health of me and my family and it has definitely not been easy, so these messages were very inspiring! I wish I had friends and family that share my passion and “get it”. Explaining, justifying, and trying to get people on board is exhausting. Working hard on trying to change my mindset and search for like-minded supportive people! Thanks again for the important work you do!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to amy.

Wow, Amy – thank you so much for sharing this with us.

I know Jordan will be very touched by your comment!

Jordan, Steve and myself all felt the way you did for a long time – we definitely know what you mean!

You can learn how we healed our guts and ended the cycle of pain by attending a free webinar here:

Hang in there Amy!!

By: amy Hello Jordan I just want to say you and your words are so very inspirational! I have never talked to anyone that has ever spoke the way you do! I am truly moved and touched. I have severe IBS have for 14 years, always in pain, everyday! Crying day after day, praying for a solution! I have 3 beautiful kids who need me, who see me in agonizing pain, watching their mom cry to just be dead because I can’t handle it. But I am a warrior and a survivor, I will beat this, and get through this! Thank you for your words Jordan truly!

By: Lindsay Wow! I really needed to hear this today!! My favorite one was the second. It really spoke to where I am this morning. What is the music you use for it? Beautiful words. Beautiful music.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Melissa.

HI Melissa, thanks for reaching out! Go ahead and go back to phase 1, add in digestive enzymes, and begin to follow the phases once again as directed. You don’t necessarily have to redo the intro diet, but it is important to follow the phases and slowly add in foods at the designated times.

By: Melissa Thank you so much for your optimism and support, I have been on the diet for 8 months and I was doing great. I started eating oranges and a lot of them and now I have unending diarrhea. I was doing so well! My bowel movements were regular and normal! So now what do I do? I am a survivor but I don’t know about how to get back on track. Do I have to start the diet all over again from week one with eggs and boiled chicken? It seems that now whatever I eat I am still having loose and stinky bowel movements. I don’t want to live like this and be the (literal) butt of jokes when I have to use the bathroom! Help!!!

By: Jean Hi Jordan, thank you. That was an avalanche of love. And I enjoyed t all. Starting my third month on the diet and am pumped at the subtle changes. Nothing big, but quiet stuff. I am grateful for you and Steve’s work. Thanks again.
