Comments on: Travel Anywhere, Eat Out, and Have a Confident Social Life on SCD, GAPS, or Paleo Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 03 May 2023 22:16:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Connie heller.

Hi Connie, thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. There are a few things we suggest and the first is working with a functional medicine practitioner: Secondly, our Solving Leaky gut program would be a great fit for you and it would be helpful for you to register for one of our Free webinars, so you can learn more about the program and how it can help you:

By: Connie heller I am definitely a prisoner to my kitchen. But, I have SO many intolerances that I cannot eat celiac food (intolerant to rice and tapioca, and am a celiac an cannot tolerate other grains), most meats except bison or wild caught fish and can’t have anything seasoned (I found that I can tolerate some organic seasonings)or marinaded or sauced. eggs have been an issue, but use Eggs from an area farmer that quarantees me they use organic feed. What will this program offer me? I am forced to travel at the end of June to see family in Denver and Seattle and am totally stressed on how to travel. It’s a struggle when I work day to day out of my kitchen, then to think I have to pack my kitchen to supposedly have a FUN vacation. I feel I have leaky gut as over
15 years of colons and endo’s showed nothing, but still had terrible, embarrassing diarrhea, with last gastro wanting me on antidepressants! I’ve been eating bison bone broth, found prescript assist to help and added some of your SCD vitamins(A, E, B complex, D and K). I’ve been sick my whole 60years and will it heal overnite, and will never know what healed may feel like. Really fustrated in not being able to enjoy life, to relax and enjoy my new retirement. Very stressed, confused Connie heller

By: Shelley Wow! You described me exactly, and I thought I was the only one like that. For the last 25 years I’ve been avoiding anything that might be “uncomfortable” like eating with friends and trips (unless totally planned out for the possibility of getting sick). When I have to travel down highways I’m constantly scanning for places that I could hide if I got sick and had to go quickly. I lost a lot of friends through the years because of all the excuses I made for turning down their invitations. Home is the only place I feel totally comfortable.

By: Google My brother suggested I might like this website. He was entirely right.
This submit truly made my day. You cann’t imagine simply how a lot time I had spent for this info!

By: Alison Correction, Down Under is Australia, from the Midnight Oil song. Kiwis detest being mistaken for Aussies. But yeah NZ is way cool for beautiful farmed produce and healthful eating options. Giant oysters, yum…..

By: Aviva I returned last week from New Zealand where I pleased to learn that gluten-free foods are mainstream, and of very high quality. So, if you’re travelling Down Under, don’t fear about finding good food! Also, no GMO’s.

By: Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy sounds like a great program!
