Comments on: Could Zinc Deficiency Be Robbing You of Your Taste and Smell? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 02 Nov 2017 22:32:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry elliott In reply to sally.

I wrote earlier about my wife who is going through this nightmare like you, after seeing numerous doctors, she is now been under dr Henkin in Washington DC. We live in Houston, and flown there twice. He has used zinc before on patients and had success! But tests have shown that my wife doesn’t have a zinc deficiency, so he has her on thioridazine for distortions for the last 10 months. Some days are bearable but some are pure hell! Any suggestions from anyone are appreciated! Larry

By: Larry elliott In reply to samy.

Sammy, my wife has not been able to smell or taste for two and a half years! We’ve been to 6 ENTS and she’s been given 2 surgeries, and a few others that haven’t been successful YET. We live in Houston Texas and we’ve driven to Austin last year to be under dr devere.. there was no success there at all. We’ve flown to Washington DC twice in the past year( he’s not on our insurance either), but we have confidence that his therapy( treatment at dc and the medication he has my wife on ) will be sucessful!! Dr henkins has spent his life on this(50 years) and he’s very compassionate!! Do not give up, my wife had those days of mental depression many times. It’s hard to hear all the bad conclusions from doctors. Write back when you want! We are Christians and many prayers are being prayed for her. Also remember that patience is a must! Larry Elliott

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marilyn Zanelli.

Hi Marilyn – sorry to hear you’re suffering. I can’t say we have a ton of experience with this specific issue, but we can recommend a practitioner for you:

By: Marilyn Zanelli I have the opposite hypersensitivity of smell I have to wear a mask have any chicken or meat since November can hardly eat anything but carbs. Cook can’t go to a restaurant where a mass to work look ridiculous I am looking for something to help

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to C H Tan.

Hello – thanks for sharing and nice work!!

By: C H Tan Hello everybody, I lost my sense of smell way back in 2009 due to an untreated sinus infection though I could still taste. Had an operation in 2011 to clear some blocked sinuses and dr prescribed me some saline and soda to wash my sinuses but the sense of smell never returned. Had a second opeation in 2012 with the same procedures again and it never came back. Suffered an anxiety attack because of this, life had been hell…
2 years ago I started zinc therapy (elemental zinc 50mg , 3 times daily ) for 3 months and my sense of smell returned a little though I could still not be able to smell ‘subtle’ scents like worn clothes, leather bags etc… Barely 1 month ago, I took Vit D3 with Vit K2 (5000iu and 50mcg) once a day, gosh , my sense of smell came back almost 100%
(I’m still taking zinc 50mg once a day), I plan to cut down Vit D with K2 to every alternate day. Hope my experience would help you all

By: Steve This is my last post. It’s been over two years, and a long journey since I lost a large portion of taste and smell. I tried all sorts of remedies, but in the end time was a better healer. I would say today I’ve regained 75% or so of all taste and smell. Some favorites of mine never fully recovered. Coffee, gin and tonic, peanuts, etc still taste odd. But, I can taste! I rarely think about it now, but it still affects me. Most foods taste normal (though not as flavorful) and thankfully I can taste cheese again. Even smells come to me easily, but I’m less sure of what I am smelling. I never questioned that in my life before this happened. Sadly, I can’t taste those delicious subtleties of food or drink.
I hope with time I’ll regain more but likely I’ll never get 100% back. Still, I am ok with what I have. In the end zinc seem to offer a small and temporary bump in my taste/smell. But it was so off and on its hard to say how much. It gave me hope though!

By: Nitin In reply to Chris.

Hi Chris, Did you got better with Zinc?

By: Steve In reply to Steve.

It’s been over a year now, and only a little progress. I tried zinc for few months, but didn’t notice much improvement. I’ve adjusted to the changes, but it is still something I think about when selecting food. I try to choose foods with strong favors. I’d guess just small improvements over the past year. I’ve stared with the zinc again and will take for 6 months this time. Will update afterwards.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Cindy.

Hi Cindy -as Steve and Jordan like to say, you didn’t get sick overnight, and it’s unlikely for you to heal overnight! The best advice we can offer is to give the zinc a few weeks to work as you’ve noticed improvements after only one week (that is AWESOME!)

Hope this helps and you’re tasting and smelling much better very soon!

By: Cindy Hi Steve, I had an allergy/ sinus issue back in late july. Starteg loosing my taste then. Went and got some saline spray and a netti pot, helped some but not alot. Finalky went to the dr and got a antibiotic helped with the sinus infection so then I saw on here about taking zinc 50 mg pills so I started that one week ago this monday. It is tring to get some better but not fast enough for me. Some things still smell and taste weird but some things taste funky. I read where you can put a drop of warm castor oil in each nostril once in the morning and once at night to help, what do you think? How long after taking zinc does it normally take to get everything back on track? Thanks for all your help.

By: sally I have lost my sense of taste and smell for 16 months now..l can not sMell or taste a thing…l had virus and they never returned..l don’t smoke…no allergies and every scan look test mri under the sun…l am living a life of hell aND have always been into vitamins as well….salt rinses steriods l have had it all…living like this daily is absolute hell..
If anyone has had this or has regained their sense….could you pls post…..what make the difference and how long it took

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Steve.

Hi Steve – thanks for sharing your story here!

We really hope the suggestions in this article help you. Please keep us posted!

By: Steve I lost my taste and smell after a week long sinus drip turned into a cold, then bronchitis. It paritially returned after a week but I’ve had little progress since. (4months now) An ENT said it might take time before it returns, but so far it hasn’t and now things I can smell don’t smell right. Coffee is one of the worst, but even peanut butter smells bad. My smell and taste is generally weak or I smell an odd odor in the air which is awful. Like a few others here, I am going to try zinc, alpha lipoic acid and diet changes. I have no idea if it will work, but worth trying! I also have done saline nasal rinsing, which helps keep my sinus clear. Apparently when this happens there isn’t much that can be done, if there is no underlying cause. I remember an aunt had this happen, also after bronchitis, and she never did regain it. That was in the 70’s but I do remember she tried zinc which was thought might help her. Also, my father lost his smell after bronchitis, although he says he can taste fine he can’t smell at all. I think this problem is more common than I ever knew.
I miss tasting cheese, nuts, coffee and most meats. I can taste some fruits and vegetables and fish, and most anything sweet. Thank goodness I can still taste carrot cake!
I’ll post again in a few months to update my progress. If anyone has success, please post. Thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Di.

Hi Di, we hope this information can help you. Please reach out if you have any questions or need support:

By: Di I lost my smell and taste after sinus/ear tube surgery in ’07. I am now 49. Going to try zinc and lipoic acid. I am desperate. It goes away for a month, then comes back. I hate this so much.

By: Chris I came upon this site while researching the use of zinc to restore loss of smell and taste. This past winter I had several bad bouts of colds, bronchitis, etc. I had coughing that lasted weeks. Since late April I can no longer taste or smell, but seem to occasionally get a bad smell of something burnt in my nose. We do burn wood alot, and once or twice while loading my woodstove late winter-early spring I got a face full of smoke, but we’ve burned firewood for over 35 years and this is the first time I’ve lost my sense of taste and smell. Pollen has been bad this year too, but again, I’ve lived with it for years and never had any real problems. I make soap for a living, and now I cannot even smell the essential oils I use in the soaps. I’ve tried steam inhalation, irrigating my sinuses with warm water, salt and baking soda, and put warm castor oil drops in my nose twice daily, still no luck. I have not had any head injuries, and I do see a chiropractor 3 times a week for back and hip issues. I’m at my wits end and am thinking of trying some zinc, just not sure how much to take. My diet is pretty good, I try to eat wholesome locally grown foods and am not a junk food person. I am surprised at how many other people seem to suffer from loss of taste and smell. For the first time in my life I can’t smell my roses, lilacs, or anything else. I can taste salt, sweet, bitter, sour etc, but no flavors of any kind. Any suggestions in addition to zinc would be greatly appreciated as this is now affecting my livelihood.

By: Anail Muller I’m so glad I came across this website , I lost my sense of smell 8 months ago and my doctors are trying to find the reasons . I had a MRI on my brain just yesterday , my ENT doctor suggested taking zinc pills until we get the results . I understand now why , this is so much better than another website that suggested my loss of smell was an indicator that I was going to die in the next 5 years 🙁

By: Zinc for Colds? | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page […] rather easily. This site breaks down the taste test for zinc (best way of detecting deficiency). Could Zinc Deficiency Be Robbing You of Your Taste and Smell? ? SCD Lifestyle Reply With […]

By: vu i have no smell for 5 yrs
i see zinc can get back smell
it that true

By: Rick Jackson I started supplementing with 50mg of Elemental Zinc (from 388mg of Zinc gluconate pills) last week.

This morning I’ve noticed my sense of smell has improved – I walked past a pine tree that I’ve passed hundreds of times – and I smelled a very faint but fragrant pine odor. I had never noticed that trees fragrance before today.

On a side note, I would like to point out, anyone who eats a lot of vegetables like me, is getting tons and tons of copper in their diet, so since zinc naturally reduced cooper (and therefore the effects of copper toxicity – see Weston A Price Foundation Copper-Zinc Imbalance: I’m guessing it’s extremely healthy to take a zinc supplement!

By: Tyler The link “there is quite a bit of disagreement between what serum, plasma, red/white cell zinc level or zinc metalloenzyme studies (zinc dependent enzymes) levels indicate.” above is broken.

Do you have a copy of the PDF? I recently got a copper-zinc blood test and scored normal despite a borderline positive pyroluria test and would like to know more regarding the accuracy of zinc tests.

By: Steven Wright In reply to samy.

@ Samy – Sure, I’d love to help out. So yes, I think the problem can be 2 – fold. There can be an actual restriction in the airways, usually from inflamed sinus that I believe are mostly triggered by poor food choices. However or in addition there is also the possibility of a spinal alignment aspect that you might want to check with a qualified chiropractor. And then there is the nutritional problem. Zinc can be easily depleted in our current society. If you don’t want to do supplements, the best food to eat once a week is oysters try that for 8 weeks straight once a week and let me know if it helps.

As I’ve healed and lowered my inflammation levels, supplemented with zinc my smelling has been back and for the most part better than ever.

By: samy Hi Steven,
Thank you for the article and for sharing the information. I am a 43 female and lost my sense of smell about 8-10 years ago and got frustrated with the medical industry to try to find answers….About 6-7 years ago I saw an ENT/Neurologist (had a cat scan and MRI) with no real diagnosis or understanding with why this was happening…I was paying this out of pocket as my insurance deductible was not met. I am in great health and barely ever go to a doctor except for this issue. Lots of sites refer as head injury (not applicable in my case) as a cause of loss of smell…but others refer to malnutrition as a possible cause…
Every once in a while I look things up online to see if there are any answers. There is a doctor in DC (Doctor Robert Henkin, smell&taste clinic- i think) that associated the lack of zinc (malnutrition) to loss of smell…This is making me consider checking if i do have a low zinc…and pursue finding my own diagnosis….Do you know if one can get this from real food then a supplement?
It will also be great if you can keep us posted if it works for you…
Thanks again for sharing the great information.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jeff.

@ Jeff – I think it’s a great supplement if you have leaky gut or have a zinc deficiency. If your going to use it make sure to monitor your zinc levels either using serum zinc levels or the zinc talley taste test. You might think about taking some copper with it to balance it out.

By: Jeff What are your thoughts on zinc-carnosine?

There seems to be a lot of research especially from Japan about that combo.

I have had a lot of success with Bitters, Betaine HCL, Digestive Enzymes, and Probiotics thanks to you guys and Chris Kresser. Wondering if Zinc-Carnosine would fit into the list of supplements that can help digestion and healing the gut?

By: Steven Wright Carol – I would encourage you to perform the zinc tally test so you will have a better understanding if and at what dosages zinc supplementation is for you. After performing the test, I would encourage you to re-read the zinc supplementation studies, In my research I never found an article or study suggesting that zinc supplementation reduces HDL and everything I read suggest zinc BOOSTS immune function.

During my research I did find that copper and iron levels or functions can be affected through zinc supplementation (the links are in the post above). However I think its important to point out the one study was using daily dosages of 150-450 mg or zinc and the other was a long term study in excess of 10 weeks of supplementing with zinc. The plan I outline above is only a short term supplementation plan of zinc to refresh any body storage issues (3-6 weeks). If copper absorption does concern the individual it would be wise to then supplement with 2-4mg of copper a day during zinc supplementation (my multivitamin from GI Pro Health contains 2mg of copper).

Some people may need long term supplementation of zinc at which point consulting with a doctor to make sure copper and iron levels stay healthy is the best idea.

By: Carol Frilegh I have the symptoms but fear the corrective treatment because, confirming what you say, have read that you should be careful in taking zinc supplements because too much of zinc can be potentially harmful to your body. It has been reported that intake of more than 50 milligrams of zinc (both from diet and from supplements) can lead to improper copper metabolism, altered iron function, reduction of HDL’s (good cholesterol) and reduced immune function.
